Psychic Prediction Comes True

There are times when callers don’t believe that anything good can happen to them. They get into a vicious cycle of negativity and won’t let go. They are so embittered by their lack of good fortune that even when a psychic sees positive things ahead for them, they may still end up manifesting more hard times for themselves. Refusing to accept that the good things they desire are coming their way is another form of free will, Psychic William ext. 5131 explains. “When I have clients like this, I try to keep them focused on lowering their resistance to a positive outcome.”

Cassandra (not her real name) called the straightforward Clairaudient and Clairsentient spouting intense anger over the man who had abandoned her unannounced. She had loaned him a large sum of money, and he had never paid his half of the rent on the house they had leased together, always promising he would reimburse her when his financial deals finally went through.

“Will I ever get any money back from Jonathan?” Cassandra asked, having calmed down a bit after revealing her story.

“Yes,” William responded in his typically direct manner. “It’s not going to be easy … he’s spending his money on someone else.”

“That’s true,” Cassandra admitted sounding even more enraged. “I’ve heard that.”

“He feels entitled to the money, because you had a relationship. He feels like he can give it back to you whenever he pleases. You’re going to have to get some legal help.”

“Legal help? I’m so broke. Jonathan left me with nothing. I was laid off for the summer, and I have huge dental bills and a car payment to make. I’m worried …”

“You’ll find an attorney to help you out. There are legal services… you just need to find them in your area,” William pointed out, moving her in the direction he knew Cassandra would have to take.

“If I get legal help, will he pay me? Will I have to go to court?”

“No. A letter will shock him. He’ll pay,” William assured her before their call ended.

William heard back from Cassandra within weeks. “William, you told me that if I got a lawyer, my ex would pay me back. Do you remember that?” she pressed the psychic for an answer.

“Yes,” William said a bit startled.

“Well, you were right!” Cassandra squealed.

“Oh, good, I thought you were going to yell at me,” he laughed.

“Jonathan is paying me back $1,100 a month for the next nine months — I’ll be able to make the rent. He was really upset that I took the legal route,” she reported, adding that her ex-boyfriend had asked for confidentiality. “I don’t have to keep quiet about this … I feel like humiliating him.”

“I know you feel resentment, but I think it’s important for you to let go of it,” William offered. “You have good things coming to you, and spiritually, you attract what you put out. He’s not getting away with anything.”

“Yes, but I’m still in debt. I need a better job, one that’s not a two-hour drive in bad weather, for a company that’s more stable,” Cassandra said listing all of the stresses in her life.

“You’ll have that soon — you’ll be making more money,” William counseled.

“That’s really hard to believe,” she responded.

“Are there any jobs or companies closer to home that interest you?” William inquired.

“There is one place … but I can’t seem to get an interview,” Cassandra said.

“That’s it. Someone will help you get hired,” William knew.

“Ok, William. I’m just going to trust you,” Cassandra answered, promising to think positively about the future.

Weeks later, Cassandra began her reading demanding to know, “William, do you remember that you told me I’d get that job in town?”

“Ah, yes,” William answered, once again wondering what his client was getting at.

“Well,” she said, changing her tone to excitement, “I got the job! Just like you said … I met a woman at church who works there. She offered to give them my resume. It’s part-time for now, but they promised to hire me full-time by fall.”

“Do you see that? Will it happen, or are they just stringing me along?” Cassandra queried.

“It will happen — you have the free will to make it work. If you continue on this path, I see you getting your finances back in control in the next six or seven months. Things are working out quickly for you,” he assured her.

“So, I will get a permanent full-time position?” she asked.

“Just stay focused,” he answered.

“Ok, William. I’ll have to trust you,” Cassandra sighed once again. And once again, William reports, his client called him back to say he was right.

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7 thoughts on “Psychic Prediction Comes True

  1. Pepper

    Some suggestions……In every situation there is “good” and “bad”(positie vs negative) EVERY situation. It’s a universal truth. We must look for the good. Shifting your attention from “Lack” to what you have(which is alot) will shift your thoughts to gratitude which then will have a healthier emotional effect on your well being. They are all connected. It’s just a matter of practice. Good Luck!

  2. Suzanne

    Limelight: Soon you’ll relish the many hours you have, the alone time, and quietude and indulgence in self. It’s when you’ve fully embraced it like a warm hug that your partner will come along — quite unexpectedly. You’ll look back at this time favorably, knowing you spent it on YOURSELF and invested in your well being. I hope you’ll write about the day it all comes together for you — soon.

  3. Psychic Maryanne Ext. 9146


    What a great article and right on point about letting go of negativity. I am a great believer, both for clients and for myself, in venting about stresses in our lives for emotional, mental and physical well-being. However, there is a point or line past which holding on to negativity does not serve us at all-it actually holds us back.

    Don’t be afraid; don’t cling to negativity or refuse to let go of it or hide behind it. No-everything will not continue to be awful or empty for you or for me. William has done a fabulous job of getting his client to lower resistance to positive thinking.

    Don’t worry-I’m not a PollyAnna; I know how tough and frightening and lonely things can be, however, I also know how quickly we can change those feelings if we allow ourselves to. If I stop to admire a flower in my yard and it gives me pleasure so I look up smiling at a neighbor and we speak pleasantly, if briefly, I’m on the path of small steps to better things. Believe in them, believe in you-go ahead, be brave-let go of that shield of negativity and stand, for a moment, unprotected to allow even the smallest positive item to fly, unimpeded, right to you. Bigger and better things to follow.

    Do the previous few sentences mean I “don’t get it” about people needing to obtain a job, a home, money to get out of debt, health insurance? Absolutely not-I definitely understand it. However, if we allow the small positives to come to us unimpeded, the medium and large positives are certain to follow as our spirit and aura are affected by the initial positive events. Think of a drop of water falling on a granite rock.

    Psychic Maryanne
    Extension 9146

  4. Psychic Jacqueline x9472

    Fantastic Job William!

    This is why having a psychic reading can be so helpful and productive, it can greatly allow you to gain a true no-emotional perspective, then it gives you the courage to take the necessary steps to really become empowered in your life because you will have the upper hand….

    Jacqueline x9472

  5. LimeLight

    A vicious cycle of negativity…?

    I am a single, 30 years old female who has a great job, house, and car, but suffer from depression.

    I have always had an unbelievable amount of faith to encourage others through hard times. For the last year, I have been trying to keep a smile on my face and stay positive. I have read a lot of self-help book, exercised, made vision boards, and found hobbies to keep myself busy, but I am still alone at the end of the day.

    I have been going through an extreme metamorphosis spiritually, and have begun to question my faith.

    I have no friends, family, or lifeline of support. I struggle with daily task and have a large amount of obligation. I am on the break of it all, but I am still here. I have not complained, I have cried in privacy, but I have not complained.

    Obviously, I still want to believe in a source higher than myself, because I am still here… The readings I get online are for hope 100% of the time. It is not always about negativity or bitterness… Sometimes we have a life cycle that we just have to play out. Believe me I am so optimistic that it is unrealistic.

    Bad things happen to good people. It is a test of faith sometime in the pursuit of happiness.


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