Shaman Stones for Psychic Insight

Shaman Stones

Tap in to Your Inner Shaman With the Power of Stones

Huna or Hawaiian shamanism is a great tool to hone psychic abilities and divination skills. It teaches you how to hear, decipher and use intuitive information from different tools.

My favorite tool is my Huna shaman stones. There are seven stones in a set. Each of the stones is a different color. The white stone always represents the person asking the question while the other stones provide the answers and insight. They provide insight into situations and confusing issues.

The stones can be used in two ways:

1. Yes/No Patterns

Use the white or clear stone to represent the person, place, thing or situation you are asking about. Choose two colored stones (green and red) and name them Yes and No. Take a deep breath, relax, think of a question that can be answered by yes or no and toss the stones. The stone that falls nearest the white stone gives you the answer.

As a shaman, I can change realities. If the answer seems unclear, I ask the question in a different way. If you do not like the answer, take a deep breath, relax, then change the positions of the colored stones as you confidently affirm the change. This is changing reality.

2. The Advice Pattern

White = The Information Source
Red = Restriction/Freedom
Orange = Confusion/Focus
Yellow = Weakness/Energy
Green = Anger/Love
Blue = Power/Fear
Violet = Doubt/Optimism

Take a deep breath, relax and ask for advice on some matter. You could ask, “What is the best thing to do in this matter?”

Toss the stones and get the answer from the stone nearest the white one. Two stones very close count as answers. The advice is to reduce the first quality and increase the second.

In working with the stones, your higher self connects with the information on the spiritual plane. In pulling in that information, your body intuitively understands it and then moves your muscles in such a way that they toss the stones to provide the answer picked up. Shaman stones are a direct conduit to information, guidance and inspiration in almost any situation.

5 thoughts on “Shaman Stones for Psychic Insight

  1. Aisha x5865

    HI Spencer
    Very informative article – thanks for sharing this with us all
    I have much admiration for people such as yourself that throw stones or sticks or shells, runes, tarot cards and the likes .
    It takes much commitment to the study and practice
    Good for you and what a great way for others to learn ways to divine for themselves

  2. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    dear spencer,
    I have stones in bowls all over my house I have been into rocks, stones forever. is there a difference in shaman and huna stones than the ones I already have?
    is there a way to make them shaman stones? I buy my stones from a store called Lords of nature. they have so many beautiful stones I lose myself just looking and touching them. 🙂
    I have a set of crystals for divination – and a board to throw them on, maybe it is time to add them to my readings.
    thanks for sharing your knowledge

  3. lucy

    How FUN, and useful Spencer. Good job relaying he information for everyone. I agree with Glenna, they feel like a useful tool when used for good intention.

  4. Psychic Glenna 5418

    Hello Spencer,

    Thanks for sharing the information on Huna. I appreciate the clear explaination of the shaman stones. Very interesting. They feel like an amazing divination tool!

    Thanks, Spencer.

    Psychic Glenna


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