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Introspection, solitude, soul-searching, inner guidance, being alone, retreat, and realization.
General Meaning for the Hermit
The Hermit is the number nine card of the Major Arcana and its astrological representative is the sign of Virgo. The Hermit appears as a sign for you to pay attention to your inner wisdom and to follow your own path. Making time for practices such as meditation, visualization, and contemplation can assist in quieting the noises of the outside world, allowing you to turn inward to find clarity and meaning in your life.
When the Hermit appears in a reading, it suggests that someone has likely entered a phase of introspection. Time spent alone will hopefully give them the answers you seek surrounding a current situation or even the meaning of life itself.
The Hermit in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
The Hermit showing up in the past position indicates a period of time where inner wisdom was likely derived by time spent in solitude after a life changing event. Sometimes we choose these moments, and sometimes they arrive by circumstance. However, time spent alone can help us grow as individuals as we undoubtedly learn more about ourselves.
The Hermit in the Present/Today Meaning
The Hermit appearing in the present position is a clear message that something needs your attention. You’ll have to give this some thought, and the best way to gather those thoughts is in quiet contemplation. You may already know intuitively what needs to transpire, as the answers come from within. It’s time to spend a quiet moment or two looking within your heart, mind, and soul to come up with the right answer or solution to a present situation.
The Hermit in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
With the Hermit in the future position of the card layout you can almost be sure that an event in the near future will require your attention. It can be an eye-opener for you and you’ll be able to see the situation from all sides. By now you may have learned the advantages of turning inward and spending some time alone with your thoughts before taking action. You may be surprised by the situation itself, but one thing’s for sure, you’ll have the patience to think it through to a fitting resolution.
Love and Relationships Meaning for the Hermit
If you’re looking for love and the Hermit shows up in your reading, he suggests that now may not be the ideal time for romance. Take a little time alone to better understand yourself and your needs first. Take the time to look inside of yourself. Connect with your spiritual side and find what makes your soul sing. When you are finally ready for love you will know. You’ll be in a place of inner peace and knowing of who you are and what you’re looking for.
If you’re in a relationship, either you or a partner may need to take a little time alone to search for the deeper meaning of life. This may be a personal mission that is more about the individual than the relationship itself, but it will likely affect the relationship. A temporary separation may or may not be indicated, but if your partner asks for a little space, it would be best to let them have it, even if it makes you feel uneasy. Doing so may save the connection; denying them is not an alternative.
Career Meaning for the Hermit
In a work or career reading, the Hermit suggests that aside from daily work routines, you may need to take up some solitary endeavor and work on in your own time. You may even entertain changing career paths altogether – perhaps a more solo career or one that requires quiet, such as an artist, guru, or even a rocket scientist.
Financial Meaning for the Hermit
In a financial reading, the Hermit may urge you to tap into your “inner-minimalist,” avoiding unnecessary spending and purchasing necessities only. He can also appear as reassurance that much of what exists in your life now will be the same in the future. You have and you will have all that you need at the very least. Also, being spiritually content may supersede matters relating to finance, at least for the time being.
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