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Law, justice, cause and effect, karma, balance, and fairness.
General Meaning for Justice
The Justice card is the number 11 card in the Major Arcana and its astrological associate is the sign of Libra, whose symbol is the scales of justice. The Justice card symbolizes fairness and honesty. When this card appears in a reading, it can have one of several meanings – either someone you know can expect justice or retribution, justice in the form of a wrong being corrected and put right, or it may represent a decision you make to seek justice on your own terms. In case of the latter, be objective and base your judgment on the facts alone, not opinion or hearsay. In a reading, Justice can indicate a fair outcome to an ongoing situation. Your decisions now will have a direct effect on the outcome.
Justice in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
When the Justice card appears in the past position of a reading, it points to a decision you made in the past and how it may be playing out in your current situation. It typically refers to a big decision rather than a small one. Some examples would be moving, changing employment, changing vocations, or even your decision to enter into or end an important partnership. relationship.
Justice in the Present/Today Meaning
You’re about to make major choices that could affect the course of your life. Big decisions lie ahead. When Justice appears in the present position, it suggests life-altering choices that may not only affect your life, but those you are close to as well. Make wise choices that enhance your current position, but also make sense for the long-term for everyone involved.
Justice in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
When the Justice card appears in a future reading, it indicates that a major decision will need to be made soon – which job to take, which house to buy, which proposal you will accept. It’s not an immediate decision, but this is a sign to be prepared.
Love and Relationships Meaning for Justice
If you’re single and you see the Justice card in a love reading, it’s an indication that love could be on its way into your life. If you’ve had bad luck with relationships in the past, Justice is a good sign that you’ll finally meet someone who will treat you with the respect and kindness you deserve. It is wise to know what you’re looking for and what you expect from a relationship all the same.
If you’re in a relationship, you may be looking at making a legal/final decision about this connection. This could include making it “official” with a walk down the aisle, or perhaps a pre-nuptial agreement before you say “yes” for good. It can also confirm that you’ve come to a crossroads in a relationship and perhaps it’s time to finalize your decision to part.
Alternatively, there’s the karmic factor – if you’re in a relationship, know that all of the energy and effort you have put into your partnership, positive or negative, is about to be returned to you in the same way.
Career Meaning for Justice
In a career reading, the Justice card speaks of you as loyal employee/worker who is fair and balanced. You always follow the rules, and you don’t allow anyone else to skate around the rules either. As an alternative for your career reading, it could be that you are weighing the pros and cons of a job or career change. Focus on the bigger picture and how this choice will affect your whole life, such as where you’ll live, and how close you will or won’t be to the ones you love.
Financial Meaning for Justice
If the Justice card appears in a financial reading, this can often connect to your career reading. Regardless, the message here is to pay attention to your budget and become the master of managing your money. Remember, the Justice card always seek balance. If you’ve managed to save your money, go ahead and invest some of our savings to help build your portfolio; however, if you’ve been using credit unwisely or overspending, it’s time to repair the damage before it grows out of control.
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