The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning | California Psychics

The Magician Keywords

Manifestation, skill, resourcefulness, power, synchronicity, and magical conduit.

General Meaning for the Magician

The Magician is associated with the planet Mercury. In astrology and mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods. Astrologically, it rules communication and the exchange of ideas. Likewise, the Magician represents our direct connection to divine guidance and our infinite creative powers that allow us to manifest change in our world.

When the Magician appears in a Tarot reading, it’s to remind you of your ability to manifest change in your world, enabling you to begin a new cycle in life.

The Magician in the Past/Yesterday Meaning

When the Magician appears in the past position of a Tarot reading, it means that whether you are aware of it or not, something you accomplished in the past has laid the groundwork for success in the present and future. Here, the Magician is a messenger offering you divine guidance from the Universe that led you to your current situation where you can put what you learned or experienced to practical use.

The Magician in the Present/Today Meaning

The Magician in the current position signifies your confidence in the present, which helps you to start new endeavors. You feel ambitious and ready to start a new journey or project, or you may have started one already. Knowledge gained can now be used to help others on their unique path or journey. You can find excitement in creative endeavors, but focus is needed in order to succeed. Allow yourself to be guided and aware so that you pick the right path for you. The Magician reminds you to connect directly to universal guidance.

The Magician in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning

“As above, so below.” You have the ability to create a bit of heaven on Earth by focusing on objectives and keeping your dreams alive. The Magician in the future position of a reading is a positive sign of luck and potential. Stay on your current path and see your vision for the future come to life. Avoid being taken off track and avoid distractions (unless they’re fun and give you a needed break.) The Magician in the future spot is confirmation of spiritual guidance and support. He brings a renewed excitement for life and the future as he clears the path ahead.

Love and Relationships Meaning for the Magician


If you’re looking for love and the Magician shows up in your reading, it’s time to manifest the love you want in your life by being resourceful. Try something new like internet dating, joining a club, or a cooking class. You need to develop new interests and step outside your comfort zone. Tell your friends, family, and even your spirit guides that you’re ready for love. Stay upbeat and positive during the process and you’re sure to make a match.


If you’re in an established relationship, the Magician can confirm that you and your partner are dedicated to making your relationship a success. Be resourceful and use the lessons learned from previous relationships to make your current relationship work and avoid negative behavior. Take time and care to make sure that a current relationship is a fruitful and successful union.

Career Meaning for the Magician

When the Magician appears in career reading, it’s a confirmation that you’re working in the right career/venue for you. You can be considered an expert in what you do, and you know how to use all of the resources available to you.

Financial Meaning for the Magician

Financially speaking, word-of-mouth is probably your best advertisement, as people admire and appreciate your skills. As a result, you may soon be presented with an opportunity to make more money – perhaps a new job or a new creative project. As long as you stay focused, success is yours.

Looking for a deeper connection to Spirit? A tarot card reading is your answer. Tarot cards give you a direct connection to Spirit so you receive profound insights into your past, present, and future. Our tarot card psychics interpret Spirit’s messages for you so you know what you’re getting is the unadulterated truth.

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