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Wishes fulfilled, satisfaction, happiness, material possessions, comfort, and achievement.
Vessels Suit Meaning
Vessels are most associated with emotions, feelings (positive and negative), and romance. Vessels represent Water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water signs are generally led by their emotions and rely heavily on their “feelings” surrounding a given situation. When they allow themselves to be ruled solely by emotion, however, they can appear moody and difficult for others to understand. Depending on the deck, this suit could also be called Cups, Chalices, Goblets, Cauldrons, or Hearts, to name a few.
General Meaning for the Nine of Vessels
The Nine of Vessels indicates that things seem to be going your way – work, finances, even your love life. The Nine of Vessels is an “all is good as gold” card. The Nine of Vessels in your reading is a confirmation that life in general is on the rise. This is your queue to enjoy life as you’re living it. Appreciate the abundance and pay particular attention to your emotional happiness.
When you get the Nine of Vessels in a reading, kick back and enjoy the message. Indulge in life’s pleasures, both big and small. Know that your hopes and wishes can come true and nothing is too big or bold to imagine. Don’t doubt or second-guess good news, just receive it with a smile and enjoy the gifts it brings.
Nine of Vessels in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
Meditating over past achievements can be a great motivator, and that’s just what the Nine of Vessels signifies in the past position. Be proud of former accomplishments, but continue to look for your next goal, challenge, or creation. If you believe, you can achieve – whether it’s a work assignment, mastering a sport or talent, or just organizing your life in general. You’ve done it before and you can do it again.
Nine of Vessels in the Present/Today Meaning
It’s likely the Nine of Vessels will show up in the present position of a reading if you’re involved in a work or academic project that’s starting to wear on you. Know that if you continue, you will see the end and feel success. Keep going and you’ll be proud of both the finished product and that you stuck with it to the end. If need be, look to the past for things you’ve accomplished to remind you that giving up can leave you feeling empty while completion motivates you.
Nine of Vessels in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
The Nine of Vessels in the future position is giving you a glimpse into your future and a sign of fulfillment and satisfaction; however, it can also indicate that having felt those things before is spurring you on to your next project and/or accomplishment. If you need or want to start a new hobby, a new chapter in life, or a new life altogether, move it from thought to action. Just get started and do it. Know that as you begin, you’ll become more motivated to see it through.
Love and Relationship Meaning for the Nine of Vessels
The Nine of Vessels is a great sign of emotional fulfillment and overwhelming satisfaction. When it appears in a love readings, it’s an indication that things are about to look up in the love and relationship department.
If you’re single, all you need to do is mingle. Go with the idea of that you’re just in it for fun and having a good time – no expectations, and therefore no pressure. And before you know it, you may run into your perfect match.
If you’re in a relationship, you may feel it growing deeper and stronger. As love grows between you, it’s fulfilling and satisfying. Others will begin to see it as well – it’s obvious to all. The Nine of Vessels is also a good sign that your relationship is about to move onto a new level of commitment.
Career Meaning for the Nine of Vessels
The Nine of Vessels in a career reading is letting you know that your hopes, dreams, and wishes for success are truly attainable. Plans and desires for the future are merely a step away as long as you stay positive and on track. At some point, congratulations will be in order, and all of your hard work will have paid off. Feel proud as well as recognized for your accomplishments.
Financial Meaning for the Nine of Vessels
In a financial reading, the Nine of Cups also brings a positive message. This card is all about the Law of Attraction. If you believe it, you can achieve it. See yourself in emotional, physical, and fiscal wealth. Be positive about your goals and you’ll surely enjoy the positive outcomes.
Tarot card readings give you a deeper connection to Spirit. This means you’ll get the unadulterated insights you need about your past, present, and future, but only if you read with a tarot card psychic.
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