Your Weekly Tarot Reading: December 17 – 23

The Power of Tarot

As we approach the Winter Solstice we’ll be using a new deck for your weekly tarot reading. It’s a deck by Alana Fairchild, “The Rumi Oracle: An Invitation into the Heart of the Divine.” Alana has a deep love for Rumi and his poems. She believes that Rumi’s message is very relevant today. He is spiritually very much alive and well and operating in service to spiritual freedom on this planet too. So, as we enter this magical time, let’s consult the Oracle of Rumi.

Your detailed weekly tarot reading is waiting! Read with one of our talented tarot card psychics, like Psychic Julia, today.


Day (#44: Merciful Mother Jamal): You are being granted refuge and shelter from the storms of struggle and doubt. You’re being given a divine sanctuary of safe harbor. Ritual: With your hand on your heart, say: “I call upon Jamal, Mother of Mercy, who loves me unconditionally, and ask for your grace, intervention, and blessing in all matters of my life.”

Evening (#9: The Impossible Made Possible): We only limit what we believe to be possible by our lack of imagination! The Divine has recourse to all that is and all that is yet to be. Therefore, there is no limit to the resources of the heavens. Ritual: Place your hands at your throat. Say, “With Rumi as my witness, I now offer myself into the hands of the all-loving, creative intelligence of this universe. May I be blessed so I can accept what is coming to me now—a gift of love.”


Day (#38: The Courage Of Your Love): Don’t give into less than you are worth. Similarly, you should not give into false beliefs that you have no choice or power. Don’t give the idea that you are a victim and cannot free yourself from your suffering. Ritual: Say aloud, “I call on Rumi, and my Own wise higher Self. I now choose to assert the dignity of my soul and the power of my heart. I release all fear-based bonds and I am ready for truth.”

Evening (#41: Victory Of Maryam): This oracle brings you a message of affirmation and success. You will be victorious. It also asks you to trust your growing optimism. Therefore, let the war be over. Now, just rest and enjoy the golden glow as you rest with love a long, long while. Ritual: With hands in prayer position, say aloud, “I call on Maryam and Rumi to bring me oneness with the Great Beloved. I call upon the unconditional wisdom of life and my own divine essence, and I give thanks for all that is. So be it.” Close your eyes and bow your head to your hands in prayer.


Day (#2: Passion For Purpose): What stirs the passions of your nature? Do that. Be that. As we grow on the spiritual path, so too does our ability to serve life, serve love, honor humanity, and offer a contribution that is unique to us. Ritual: Say aloud, “Rumi, help me, witness, receive, and express the divine depths of my passionate purpose.” Imagine that energy from the universal heart of love is flowing through your heart. Trust. Let it be.

Evening (#37: Sacred Soul Sister): There is a viewpoint that we travel our path alone. However, there is a vaster perspective that we are never alone—that it would be impossible to really be alone. We share a connection to all of life. Ritual: Sit comfortably and say, “I call upon the sacred sister of my soul, the shadow priestess of wisdom in the temple of love. You guide me to love, and under the grace and protection of Rumi, our relationship is one of respect and divine guidance.”


Day (#19: Sacred Union): You’re a lucky angel because you are about to receive a blessing with sacred union! If you are open to attracting a new and significant relationship into your life, then the Divine is hearing your call. Ritual: Place one hand on your heart and the other outstretched before you. Say, “Through the grace of Rumi, I call upon my true beloved now to be at one with my heart purpose. Our union is now sanctioned and blessed.”

Evening (#8: Cosmic Heart): The guidance of this oracle is that more love is rushing towards you like a great cosmic tsunami. You may try to hold on to what has been but don’t. Your weekly tarot reading encourages you to let go. Let it move you. Surrender to this passionate embrace of life. Ritual: Place one hand on your stomach and one on your heart. Say, “Rumi, help me trust in the flow of life, to let go of my fixed plans and ideas, and open up to the genius of love itself.”


Day (#25: Beyond The Threshold Of Fear): Today, you are changing your relationship with fear. You are able to observe it, to witness it, even to have compassion rather than resistance to it. You are breaking through a self-imposed barrier of fear. Ritual: Place your hands on your belly and say aloud: “With the aid of Rumi, I lay down all old fear that no longer serves my great soul purpose. I release it now with complete forgiveness, acceptance, and gratitude.”

Evening (#17: The Human Gift): Tonight, the special guidance for you is that you will soon be seeing with greater clarity and insight a situation that has been a puzzle to you. However, what you perceive may be startling. Ritual: Place both hands on your heart and say, “ You are strong, brave, and powerful. You are gentle, vulnerable, and inspired. You are truth, insight, wisdom, and life! I love you and you are safe.”


Day (#42: Dance Of The Divine Feminine): There is something or someone you are holding onto, and you need to let go to let them grow. Don’t worry if it seems as though your world is coming to an end, or you are losing something you once loved. You are actually being lead deeper into divine being. Ritual: Say the following aloud: “What the caterpillar calls the end, the master calls the butterfly.” Repeat it three times or until you feel more peaceful within.

Evening (#5: I Surge On The Uprising Wave Of Love): Tonight, no gravity can stop you from rising! You are going through a cycle by which greater forces will move you. Yet, your weekly tarot reading says you have a choice as to how you will respond to these movements and cycles. Ritual: With your hands on your heart, say: “The grace of life touches my heart and I am courageous. I surge, I rise, and I meet the Divine Beloved at every turn. I journey home on the wave of love.”


Day (#27: The Angel Razbar): This oracle is guiding you deeper into your life purpose and divine destiny. You are in a process of assuming more spiritual responsibility for the expression of your own essence. Ritual: Say aloud, “It’s a blessing to serve the great, all-loving silence through the presence of divine joy, grace, and radiant compassion. I accept all help and I offer myself completely in service to life.”

Evening (#26: Al-Uzza, Star Of Venus): Tonight’s guidance, according to your weekly tarot reading, is to trust your path and trust your evolution, even if it puts those around you in fear or discomfort. Trust in the paths of others, too. In truth, there is one path and we are all on it! Ritual: Say aloud, “Beloved of my own soul, bless me now that I can dispense with the limiting notions of what it is to be a man/to be a woman, so I can become free to live as one being.”

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3 thoughts on “Your Weekly Tarot Reading: December 17 – 23

  1. lamidi lateef ademola

    Hello, my name is Lateef Ademola i am a son of Lamidi. i have a girl that i hope she will be the mother of my children in the nearest future and her name is Semiat Omowumi, daughter of Abdulsalam. i love her so much but i don’t always feel like she love me all the way i did i always feel like she care for me only if she want money from me. so please tell me, is the relationship going to work for me.

  2. Jodi

    I want to know if a true love relationship between me and someone I am friends with at church will come true the person name is Antonio do you see him coming fowered with true love feelings between us


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