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Completion, accomplishment, fulfillment, integration, achievement, travel, and new cycles.
General Meaning for the World
The World is the number 21 card of the Major Arcana and it’s astrologically associated with the planet, Saturn, a symbol of time. The World signifies an important time – one of fulfillment, achievement, accomplishments, and the cycles of life. This is the culmination of a major life cycle. From the beginning of this journey, you have overcome challenges and hardships that have left you stronger, wiser, and more experienced.
When The World appears in your personal reading, it can indicate that a long-term project or area of study is now coming to an end. If this is the case, you’re likely feeling a real sense of accomplishment, as you should. Perhaps you’ve gotten engaged or married. The World symbolizes the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.
The World in the Past position means that a cycle of growth or learning has come full circle. Make sure you are clear on your past, so you don’t repeat the same mistakes.
The World in the Present/Today Meaning
When the Word appears in the present position of your reading, you may be feeling as if you’ve done it all and that there’s nothing left to learn. There will always be new challenges to face, things to learn, and experience if you choose.
The World in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
Though you may be at or nearing the end of a cycle, life is not over. Find your true destiny and purpose; reach for the stars, confident you can do anything. Also, you can grow further within yourself by helping others master their own challenges. Now is the time you can enjoy the fruits of your labors. Take some time to revel in your accomplishments; you’ve earned it.
When the World appears in a love reading, it can indicate a few different things. One may be that your status as a single person may be coming to an end. As the World’s meaning includes travel, you may find your love match while travelling near or far. Alternatively, you may be ready for a solid love connection, but find it hard to attain. In that case, looking back at your past relationships and actions will help you identify what went right and what went wrong, so you can adjust and focus on the positive to achieve better results.
If you’re in a loving, established relationship, the World may be a sign that you’re both looking at the next phase in this commitment – marriage, buying a house, or planning your retirement, to name a few. If, however, there have been signs of trouble, this may be the time to honor the journey this relationship has taken you on, while also agreeing that this is where it ends.
When the World appears in a career reading, it’s likely you’ve already learned a lot and come a long way – you may now be ready for that next challenging position, moving on to another job or even preparing for retirement. If you’ll still be working for a while, this card is a sign that you can challenge yourself and take on a better position. Find something you feel is interesting and exciting instead of keeping a mundane existence in a going-nowhere job.
Of course The World card is about cycles – both beginnings and endings. If you are retiring, you are now free to do all the things you’ve dreamt of doing but were not in a position to take on before. As the words “the World” would indicate, this can be an opportunity for you to expand globally. You can get new clients from around the world, or you can literally travel the world just for the fun of it.
Financial Meaning for the World
From a financial standpoint, the World is urging you to make an investment in your future; look for new opportunities at every turn. The World in your financial reading could also mean that the raise you’ve been hoping for is coming your way, or an unexpected but certainly earned bonus. Rest assured, wherever the money comes from, you’ve earned it honestly. If you’re ready to retire, you may be cashing in on some wise investments you made in the past.
Tarot card readings give you a deeper connection to Spirit. This means you’ll get the unadulterated insights you need about your past, present, and future, but only if you read with a tarot card psychic.
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