This Week in Tarot: August 21 – 27

The Power of Tarot

Have you ever had a personal Tarot reading? They’re really fun and insightful. Tarot is just one of the tools I offer my callers. It helps me go deeper into their readings. Here’s my general reading for the week!

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Four of Wands keeps us sailing on a steady course as the weekend ends. I’m seeing some exciting possibilities manifesting, making this Monday one that is welcomed with open arms. Signing a contract in the coming week will serve you well. In the evening, Six of Wands defines a victorious event and those who supported you will gather to celebrate. Have some goodies on hand to make it a Sunday night party.


Ten of Pentacles starts the week off with a big bang. Success is the key to happiness and with the vibrations showing long-lasting success, you find the smile on your face is contagious and those around you are catching your happy buzz. In the evening, Queen of Cups offers a moment of reflection and a chance to transform your energy by using your intuition to seek changes that allow for personal growth.


The Sun shines bright and a positive energy embraces you with warmth and passion, making it hard to get out of bed. Hitting the snooze button for 20 more minutes to bask in the delight of the day is okay. In the evening, Two of Swords seems to have you between a rock and a hard place. Don’t sweat it; it’s only a timeout and an indicator to focus on your next move. Before you turn in for the night, give your mind a chance to rest so that you can make the right decision.


Three of Wands brings you to the end of a chapter in your work projects. You have made all the right moves and worked wonders when no one else could make heads or tails of the situation. With goals completed it is now time to move on to the next level. In the evening, Ace of Wands offers you an extra hand in building your enthusiasm. This is your magic wand and you can be as creative as you wish. Opening up new avenues to explore makes for sweet dreams.


Ten of Swords opens old wounds and the emotional pain hits you hard. However it is only temporary and gives you a clear chance to reflect on the issues that caused the negative effects from the past. Keep on eye out for the one who hurt you as we are rolling up on the Mercury retrograde and the past has a way of showing itself. In the end you gain new strength. In the evening, Eight of Cups presents itself like a good walking stick holding you steady on your path. This card shows you moving forward and opening up to new ideas.


Four of Cups opens the way for your emotions as you ponder the new love or the one you realize you’ve been closed off to due to past relationships not working out. This card is screaming “Open up!” Do not ignore the love that is looking you right in your face! In the evening, the Card of Judgement shouts out to you to wake up. Your deepest dreams can come true and your wildest desires can manifest tonight if you are willing to take a chance. Whatever you decide will be a positive decision.


High Priestess is a mysterious lady who hold secrets with great care. Be careful when in a group and the conversation feels a little too much like gossip. What might seem to be clear as a bell is not. Keep your thoughts to yourself. In the evening, Five of Cups causes a big shift and a negative vibration shows itself. See the positive side and you will feel better.

11 thoughts on “This Week in Tarot: August 21 – 27

  1. JThomas

    08/23rd/2016. Reply: Tarot Card Reading:-QUINN
    Aug.21-27.Surperb Days. “THIS IS GOOOD.”The Univ.does’nt Lie! I TRUSTIn THE UNIVERSE! Completely.
    I Trust my PATH will open to Me.I Ask The Univ. to Please Bless My PATHWAY! True Love and Light!!! Just a
    Little bit of GOD will FIX-IT!

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Dear Juanita,
      There are programs where you can translate English to Spanish – you can copy and paste it into the program and get the reading in the language you wish.
      thank you,

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