This Week in Tarot: August 28-September 3

The Power of Tarot

Have you ever had a personal Tarot reading? They’re really fun and insightful. Tarot is just one of the tools I offer my callers. It helps me go deeper into their readings. Here’s my general reading for the week!

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King of Pentacles knows it’s Sunday, yet he is showing you that your progress is due to your ambition. So even though it’s the end of the weekend he’s giving a gentle nudge to keep you on your path of responsibility. In the evening, Four of Swords puts you on hold while you relax and take some time to think about what’s coming in the week ahead. Any activity should be lazy and calm.


Seven of Wands is about coping skills which come from a spiritual place. With all the hoops of fire and hurdles you jump through and over, you find yourself enjoying the course as you accomplish goals. In the evening, The Lovers have you thinking romance in a big way. It’s a card that often shows a third party in the background trying to make a mess of your relationship. Pay close attention if your partner sneaks away with cell in hand.


The Devil shows wicked dealings with gambling and money issues. Whatever fears are holding you back, with positive thinking you can overcome any of this devilish nonsense. Maintaining faith in yourself is the key to overcoming your fears. In the evening, The Tower shows positive changes, but this could take 16 weeks to manifest or evolve. There will be some things that need to be broken down so that rebuilding can be done properly. There will also be personal growth.


Page of Pentacles is on board helping you get busy with work that is on the clock. There is a new position in the future because of the performance that you aced. Make sure you are accurate, because it will be your doorway to moving up. In the evening, Three of Swords takes on a personal note—this card is about getting your feelings hurt. The old saying “Hurt people hurt people” comes to mind and your awareness leads to wisdom.


Knight of Cups shows that with a bold attempt at romance on a weekday, your heart opens. Love at work can be tricky, yet this is a sure thing and it’s okay to follow your heart chakra. In the evening, Ace of Pentacles offers opportunities in the money realm, giving you something to sleep on. You will find the days leading to the weekend are quite good and a reward comes your way.


Four of Pentacles is about balancing your financial situation. You have become attached to your money and this is not a healthy thing. If you need to get direct deposit so you don’t actually see the cash, it would help to overcome the attachment and your money flow will improve. In the evening, Ace of Cups helps you on the emotional path regarding your money. By opening yourself up to new ways of thinking you will find spiritual growth and romance coming your way.


Justice shows how to find balance even during the most unbalanced times. With a little soul searching you find that you discover what has thrown you off in a few different areas of your life. Now with renewed information you are ready to take matters in your own hands and fix what needs to be fixed. In the evening, Seven of Cups offers options—maybe more than you can handle. One of the things about confusion is that it makes you think, and out of the confusion springs forth wisdom. It’s a time to renew thought patterns and focus on one thing at a time.

4 thoughts on “This Week in Tarot: August 28-September 3

  1. Denisha

    Quin, Thank you for your Tarot wisdom for the week ahead. I read your Tarot Scope for last week, it was spot on.

    Have a Blessed Day! Denisha


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