This Week in Tarot: June 4 – 10

The Power of Tarot

We left off last week with The Good Tarot. This is a delicate deck in meaning and the cards are pretty concise. I got permission from the powers that be to add another card which will be a note from Spirit.

Your detailed tarot reading is waiting! Read with one of our tarot card psychics, like Psychic Quinn, today.

One Reading for Everyone?

A reader asked me, “How can one tarot reading be for everyone?” That’s a great question! My answer: Timing is everything in life, so take the information found in these readings and store it. Or, come back and look at the cards when you need to refresh. Pick up on the vibration to make your life better. In each day and evening there’s useful information that is easy to apply to life. It is my intention to reach out to as many people as I can to share knowledge that can enhance their day and week. Just like when people look at a painting or piece of art they see something different, the same applies here. Just take the information and apply it to your personal situation. If you would like a personal reading using any of the tarot decks that I have used, just ask me when you call.


DAY – CHARIOT (Victory). The sign of Cancer represents the Chariot, making this card one of emotional energy. It could certainly be a day where the mood swings from unexpected sources rising to the surface. Therefore, you have to figure out if you’re going to join in or run the other way. Facing and overcoming obstacles are good feelings, and in the end, victory is definitely yours. EVENING – HIEROPHANT (Spiritual Practice). Remember, being grateful is one of the components that produce wondrous outcomes to your efforts, so in prayer this evening, offer gratitude to your source of enlightenment.

SPIRIT’S NOTE: EMPRESS (Fertility). Take those new ideas that are floating around your mind and put them down in your journal. There’s a new version of you getting ready to be revealed, and you are certainly overflowing with potential.


DAY – 6 of AIR (Change your thinking, change your life). The wisdom to balance and resolve issues is in the air. It’s a day to be flexible, and as you transition from one activity to another you find the flow is smooth and even. EVENING – TOWER (Surprises). Hit the ground running! This card is like having extra fuel in your tank. Therefore, you’ll think fast, move quickly and get what you need to get done out of the way. Be on the lookout for ill-mannered people, and stay clear. No one rains on your parade tonight.

SPIRIT’S NOTE: STAR (Inspiration). Changes are a part of life that can inspire you to be more encouraging to others. Having a plethora of knowledge makes you the go-to person in the most important situations.


DAY – 10 of AIR (A point of epiphany). This can be a new day where new ways of thinking unfold. Therefore, let go of the outdated data in your mental filing cabinet. All you do today will end with grace. EVENING – MESSENGER of AIR (Experiences). Memories come back to haunt or please, making this night one of mystery. Therefore, you should keep your notebook next to the bed so you can record your dreams, as they will have an impact in the near future. A new way of thinking emerges when you wake up.

SPIRIT’S NOTE: 6 of AIR (Rite of Passage). The waves are high and the wind is strong. Within there is a storm that will clear the path for your transition.


DAY – KING of FIRE (Spiritual Influences). Today, stepping into a leadership position feels very comfortable and satisfying. Being a master at problem-solving keeps you very busy. Just stay flexible because becoming rigid will close you off from necessary conversations. EVENING – 9 of FIRE (Reevaluating Circumstances). This is a great card for the evening because it’s speaking to being still. Feeling uncertain, you tell yourself to look around and assess the situation before you move on it. The morning will bring the awareness needed to answer your questions. However tonight, question everything in a peaceful way as the paths before you are many.

SPIRIT’S NOTE: Messenger of Fire (Determination). Independent, high-spirited, creative vibrations abound. Therefore, trusting in your own visions is the key to success. You are surrounded by the spirits of family and the spirits from your past lives. They help you illuminate your wisdom and also help you to rise up.


DAY – MESSENGER of WATER (Romantic, heightened emotional awareness). Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself. Can the message be any stronger? Now is the time to do you, and to love yourself as if you were your own child. Therefore, throw out old attitudes, jealousy, anger, resentment, and fear. If you let them go, you will flow freely. EVENING – 10 of WATER (Peace and good fortune). There are times in life when karma catches up and you are feeling really happy. In prayer or meditation, offer gratitude. It’s the spice to add to your evening activities.

SPIRIT’S NOTE: Page of Earth (Hard work pays of). If you have a plan to succeed you are one up on life. No plan? Make one! You are a doer—a person who establishes their mission in life on all levels, whether it be love, money, career, friendships, family, hobbies, special interests, etc. All the work you put into your life manifests worthy outcomes.


DAY – 3 of EARTH (Teamwork, strong foundations and dedication). This is truly the card to direct the end of the work week, ending things on a high note. The group you are working with is very much on the same level as you. This helps to keep things running smoothly. Also, you’re about to close a big deal today and the cherry is about to be put on top of the cake. EVENING – MESSENGER of EARTH (Integrity and grit). How can it get any better than this? Whatever you are doing tonight is exactly what you are meant to be doing.

SPIRIT’S NOTE: 4 of WATER (Trust in the abundance). Perfect timing is the flow today, and the best part is it just happens. With a strong foundation and a clearing of toxic vibrations, moving forward is certainly the divine order.


DAY – 6 of EARTH (Happy Surprises). What has been sent out into the vast and amazing universe comes back today. However, it’s a very personal experience. Although the package might not be wrapped beautifully, the inside is pure joy. EVENING – 10 of EARTH (Mastery through accomplishment). At this time, a feeling of achievement sets the tone for a lovely night. All you have is stable.

SPIRIT’S NOTE: HERMIT (Timeout). Taking time to recharge is very important. Over the past week many messages were sent through Spirit via the cards. At this time, meditation and getting in a good stretch will make you feel brand-new.

Looking for a deeper connection to Spirit? A tarot card reading is your answer. Tarot cards give you a direct connection to Spirit so you receive profound insights into your past, present and future. Our tarot card psychics interpret Spirit’s messages for you so you know what you’re getting is the unadulterated truth.

Find a tarot card psychic or learn more about tarot card readings.

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13 thoughts on “This Week in Tarot: June 4 – 10

  1. Dc

    I’m single but this one particular person keeps crossing my path we both Kno we want to be together but I’m skeptical..He is from a different country and our ages are totally different

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      Hi Dc,
      Knowing you both want to be together is a very strong energy. Go with it. Don’t let race and age hold you back from love!


    2. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      Hi Dc,
      There must be something like chemistry that draws you both together. All the things that stop people from moving forward like age, religion, race, gender etc. are obstacles that can be overcome with true love and compassion. There is a reason and as you live your life moving forward you will one day look back and understand what this experience was for.

  2. Miss. M

    Things are turning around and progressing forward, but there is the one thing that I still can’t seem to get a hold on!! What is to happen moving forward with love in my life?

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      Hi Miss M,
      Love is one of my favorite topics. Given this is a public space your question would be better addressed in a private reading.
      I do wish you the best and that you move forward with a happy love life.

  3. ShlisM

    I’m at a stand still,I’m a rehire where I work
    The person that was givin the position I wanted has now quit do I persue it again.

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      Hi ShlisM,
      YES… when opportunity knocks answer the door…
      all the best,

  4. Cinnamon ext 6895

    With the Tower and the Star coming together on Monday, it looks to be a day of breakthroughs! Suddenly what needs to be done is clear, and there is initiative and inspiration to do it NOW – should make for an exciting week!

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      Hi Psychic Cinnamon,
      Thank you for your post. Yep for sure a day of breakthroughs.

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      HI Tammie,
      If the love is not unconditional you will end up moving on to a relationship with substance.


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