This Week in Tarot: September 4 – 9, 2016

The Power of Tarot

Have you ever had a personal Tarot reading? They’re really fun and insightful. Tarot is just one of the tools I offer my callers. It helps me go deeper into their readings. Here’s my general reading for the week!

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The World has you joining hands in a group with some new people and old friends. This card offers protection from your guides and spirit. Holding hands in a circle to form a bond is a spiritual safety net leading to a successful outcome for a lovely Sunday. In the evening, Seven of Pentacles has got you pouting about money, causing you to want a week off from work. This makes sense and might be the best way to deal with any disappointments. Know that your work was not a waste of time.


Death says, “Good morning, Monday.” The feeling from Sunday still lingers and putting your head under the covers is not going to help you feel better. It’s better to let go of the past and get a move on with renewed positive energy. This is about personal growth. In the evening, Six of Pentacles proves that the reality of all the work you did was not wasted as a generous reward awaits you. Be open to receive.


Seven of Swords has got you wondering who lied to you, as your inner voice speaks loud and clear. Keep your eyes open and you will discover where the negative vibrations are coming from. This will help you fix the situation. In the evening, Eight of Swords gives way to a fantasy that is one you can live without. Try to take a different path as the card shows you four ways to turn. With positive thinking you can release the negative and find peace of mind.


The Chariot takes you on a ride without direction. This is not your thing and today is truly a hump day. It would be good to be still and stay put rather than succumb to the temptation of this card. What you desire is hard to obtain, yet a new sense of awareness comes into play and you progress. In the evening, Three of Cups gives you reason to celebrate. Did you forget the midweek get-together? Although the day was hard, the evening is pleasurable and you find enjoyment with loved ones.


King of Pentacles presents ideas that lead to new and profitable ventures. Being overly cautious will slow the flow of progress. It’s okay to speed up as the direction you are going in is a good one. In the evening, Five of Pentacles shows that concentration is necessary to move forward. You seem to be feeling a tad sorry for yourself without cause. It could be you feel as if something is missing from your life. If that is the case, count your blessing and you will find a good night’s sleep releases the negativity.


Nine of Cups is such a lovely card as your level of satisfaction rises to the top. You feel full and content in the work you’re doing as well as in your personal life. Realization brings you to an internal point of self-empowerment. In the evening, The Fool offers trusting energy as you go out with someone new. Be ready for this to be a strong person who has a mindset fixed on marriage. Listen to your inner voice and allow yourself to explore the possibilities of true love.


The Hermit brings to the scene a journey to the inner world. Your mind wanders with great detail and you find you are in the process of spiritual development and enlightenment. Any answers you need are inside you. In the evening, the Six of Cups has you looking over your shoulder and the past view seems to be helpful as you make plans for the future. You are in the process of releasing the old to make room for the new, ending the evening on a happy note.

25 thoughts on “This Week in Tarot: September 4 – 9, 2016

  1. patricia kay

    I am embarking on my life’s passion. Singing! It has literally saved my life through years of mental abuse. I am FREE! And my voice reflects to songs that hit me in the face….and I wrote my first original..and getting ready to record with studio…..I am a Virgo using jasper, blood stone…and experimenting with dragons blood..that I feel is toooooo strong for me at this time.

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi MH,
      There is a saying “the tunnel is an illusion the light is the reality”.
      Seems to me, you are now in the light and your reality will be realized. When you start to work have a good attitude and embrace the job with all your heart.
      You got this,

  2. Tracy Salmanian

    When will I move will everyone involved be happy in the end I’m in distress over this will my grandchildren be OK?

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Tracy,
      In order to answer your questions it would be good to be able to read for you –
      I understand your situation and feel your determination and strength. Stay positive do not give into negative thoughts and you and your family will find a way to make it all OK.
      Buddha Bless,

  3. Key

    I cut it off with this guy I really have feelings for over a month a go. We haven’t communicated much since then. Do he still care/think about me, or should I just move on and forget about him??? #needanswers

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Key (#needanswers) –
      Being you said you cut it off, why in the world would you want to go backwards??? Yep Mercury is still retrograde until the 23rd, this is causing you to re-think your actions.
      If you are really wanting to know what he thinks about the situation (you) call him and ask. Communication is the key to any relationship.
      One thing that is true, is that once you know someone you cannot un-know them, although the thoughts are there taking action is not always the way to go.
      All the best moving forward,

  4. andrew

    I greatly care for a man named Jake floyd. And want so much to Be in a relationship with him. But when will this happen? No one has told me the truth yet.

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Andrew,
      There is a card in the deck “The High Priestess” which is card that about secrecy. Often truth is not known prior to the event that you wish to manifest. The situation is not about truth but matters that are unclear.
      More than likely it is up to Jake to put the relationship into action as you are ready willing and able…
      So relax “live in the moment and keep a positive attitude” not just about Jake but about your life.
      To your dreams coming true,

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Maricar,
      I get how hard it can be when you are at the 11th hour – keep you chin up and a smile on your face, Walmart hires happy people. Get ready for some hard work moving forward.
      Fingers crossed,

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Dear LJ – Your support in the blogs is such an honor, I love your blogs and look forward to them. I saw your advice in the “Articles and Tips” at the bottom of the page. What a great asset to the knowledge base for all our callers – YOU ROCK!

  5. Christina

    Hi Quinn. I’ve been miserable for the past months because of a break-up. I am still hoping for him to come back but at the same time, wants to move on. I am confused. Do you see anything in the tarot for me to guide me what to do? Thank you…

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      HI Christina,
      I hope your energy shifts as the mercury retrograde is going to be over on the 23rd. All the inner voices will stop and you will be able to move forward –
      Remember out of confusion comes wisdom, so this situation is only making you a stronger wiser woman.
      If you want an in-depth read give me a call.
      Sending you clarity and peace of mind through the airwaves to brighten your mindset…
      Peace & Love,

  6. Traci

    Could you be specific about the guy who is in my life, or someone new entering.Will I know when I’m ready to trust again

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Traci,
      I could be specific if you would like to talk I work in the evenings and we can do a great profile on your guy. Trust is a big deal and I get your apprehensive about spending a life with this man. Trust yourself… listen to your inner voice.

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Diane,
      I have a feeling that you know Joe pretty well 😉
      In the system of Acrophonology the letter J carries a strong sense of fair play. His vibrations are strong yet at times you wish he was more tactful.
      If you would like an in-depth look at Joe and your karmic ties to him give me a call.
      Have a great day,

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Dora,
      You are most welcome, and a big THANK YOU for reading our wonderful blogs…

  7. Theresa

    I want to get pg again with my sweet heart baby again with parts with God help from me and son to can you help and pary with that to please mean lot to me and him to

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Theresa,
      I will keep you in my daily prayers for your happiness and the highest good of your family,
      Buddha Bless,

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn

      Hi Tammy,
      I would love to talk to you about your question. What if can tell you is that your level of determination will speed up the process of finding not only a great job but a career move.
      Stay positive, use this mantra “I will be working with joy and prosperity now”.

      Here’s to a great job coming soon,

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