Why Psychics Need Your Name

Not all psychics ask but a lot of times, psychics need your name and even your birth date at the beginning of a reading. This may seem odd to you but there is a definite reason behind doing so. Since here at CP, our psychics are doing readings over the phone, they need a way of tapping into your energy – and the most obvious and personal  information about you would be your name and the date you were born. Here’s what some of our psychics have to say about why something like your name is the key that opens the floodgates…

Psychic Michael ext. 9604 explains, “When I work with clients on the phone, I prefer to work with the images, emotions, words, and sometimes the movie clips I am given to pass along to the caller. As I work, a picture is truly worth a thousand words … each image has its own meaning tailored to each individual for that specific call or time. Combined with the emotions I feel and the things I hear, it forms a short story, which I relate to the caller. Often there is also a snippet of a song, which directs me to relay certain things to the caller. The way that my gifts and talents have evolved, I am not sure there could ever be a tool I could use to accomplish the same thing in the same way.”

Psychic Giovanna ext. 5214 discusses energy flow, “Many of the callers I speak with here at CP will begin a reading with a specific question — this is what I refer to as a “flow reading.” I am a flow reader myself, which means I will not begin a reading (or be able to establish a connection) until I have an energetic opening in the form of a question. I liken this process to accessing a lock (my caller) with a key (the energetic opening). To this effect, readings vary in delivery and content as much as we do as individuals.

Other psychics, like Gina Rose ext. 9500, are purists when it comes to their readings. “I read without tools because I have a unique gift in that I can literally hear a person’s energy and the flow of their energy. I am given information from my five guides. I have read for 44 years and have trained psychics for 29 years. I like to get my students to a point beyond using tools, as I firmly believe it enhances and magnifies their natural abilities.”

Psychic Trinity use your name to connect with your life. Psychic Trinity ext. 5275 requires is a first name in order to channel messages from her Spirit Guides. She conveying truthful and accurate messages and doesn’t sugarcoat information.

There are many advantages and reasons why psychics are more accurate when a reading is done over the phone. For more in depth detail about what  I mean, review  ‘How it Works‘ to better understand why  energy is so important during your reading.

10 thoughts on “Why Psychics Need Your Name

  1. Paula Phillips

    I would love to hear more about my name as well as my health and our future financial situation. Thank you so much for any assistance you may be able to provide. I have used one of your psychics before and was extremely pleased! I just wish I could remember her name. If you have that info in your database, I would appreciate you passing that info along to me as well.
    Paula Phillips

  2. sadaf hina

    I need detail about my name..
    Please let me know about that??
    My question is to whome i would marry like aries or scorpio and other stars??



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