5 Ways to Connect with the Divine

I am often asked about Divination and what it means to me. The first thing I tell people is that the Divine is not some mysterious floating head out in space somewhere. It resides right here inside each of us. We need to realize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. With that we should own who and what we really are. We are each a spark of God. God is like the sparkler and we are the individual sparks coming from the whole. Divination is reconnecting with that oneness that we all originated from.

Here are 5 ways to make that reconnection:

Meditate. You do not need to clear your mind to find your quite place. Take control, visualize a room, beach, or garden where you can go in your mind and find peace two times a day for fifteen minutes.

Pray. It doesn’t have to be to any particular God, but you must get to know that part of you that is connected to that oneness.

Do good works. Remember you are a part of God, if you think someone needs God’s help, don’t wait for him to get it done, you step in and do the work. Every day find someone to help on a conscious level.

One of my favorite things to do is to go to the grocery store and watch someone who is counting carefully how much food they have in their cart as to afford what they have. I then position myself to be in line ahead of them. I then pay for their basket of food or I will give them a card with 100 dollars in it with a note that says God loves you! And tell them not to open it until they reach the register. Sometimes I will make a basket up and put the card in it and give it to them saying, “you have been chosen to receive love today, enjoy” and walk away. I then leave quickly so they cannot find me. Or pull up to the fast food drive up and pay for the people behind you. I love to do this in the morning. My local McDonald’s knows me and as soon as they see me pull up they always smile and know what is to come. This makes them happy to be a part of the giving!

Be present in your life. Own your power. God doesn’t make mistakes or flawed things and that includes you! Remember we are human and therefore we must forgive others and ourselves. When you do make a mistake own it and learn from it and know that others will make mistakes too. You can not learn if you never make mistakes! Keep in mind that you charted this life, take your power and hear yourself roar!
Practice, practice, practice!!! People want to have what I have right now. Well, sorry but it has taken me 43 years to get me where I am. You will need to work day in and day out the rest of your life, but it will happen. You must really be patient with yourself and notice the little things.

“Feel” people you meet, “feel” places you go. Get a dream journal and put by your bed and write in it each morning what you dreamt the night before. Keep a notebook near you; put down any hints or “feeling” you gets. Do not discount anything. It’s not your imagination, its your spirit talking to you and it wants you to succeed so let it happen. Good luck and take advantage of your California psychics; we are here to support you in your quest!

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20 thoughts on “5 Ways to Connect with the Divine

  1. Danielle

    Thank you! What a wonderful reminder to us all! I love your gift basket and card idea. It reminds us that we are all here to help others and helping others is one of the most beautiful gifts we have been given. Thank you, Sat Nam

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  6. nrusingha charana ojha

    thank u sir some day i didnot proper madition,bacause i was my village travele,after 7 year i meet to my mother, very long time,from to day i pritice start and peparied for 2nd dicover after fail first dicover,i alwayes help to ur guide,u true write about my drem because my brother experiad before 7 year ago half adge my father experiod before 36 year ago,

  7. j

    you speak of silence but everytime I try to sit in silence, my mind won’t stop so many thoughts come into my head so many things I have to do for every person in my family how can I control my mind how do I make it stop..I need a brake I have read so many experiences people had…how beautiful it is to connect to our Lord to be able to feel everything through nature…I beleave in it so why can’t I get to it what am I doing wrong…? please help me

    1. Danielle

      Dear J, I know this is an older post but in case you are still seeking or for any others who struggle with this…
      Quieting the mind takes practice, for some it’s harder than others. Try chanting mantra, these are ancient sounds that help us connect to the Divine and our Higher-Selves. Start with 5-10 minutes. Focus on the vibration of the words or the movement of the tongue. The more you practice, the easier it becomes. If you practice often, you will find yourself in the silence you seek.
      Kundalini yoga offers many mantra.

      Many Blessings along your journey

  8. LimeLight

    As a child and adult I had ultimate faith in “god” and would praise his name and give thanks to “god” for everthing. Now… I do not put faith in “god” anymore. I believe in myself and treat others well. I care so I give to others, but I’ve learned hope can be paralizing. Whenever any of you get a personal call from God… let me know. Maybe I’ll starting believing in him or her again.

  9. nrusingha charana ojha

    thank u sir again ur advice is true my eneregy out from inner,i see next step is very hard my life,try to positive ,pl guide

  10. nrusingha ojha

    thank again same thing ur advise my sprit say u don’t mistke because know i really too much possitive energay too much light between in two eyse,so i think some relation prblem very soon i shlter in a monk place, and cut every relation,it is my final dission,it is my sprit say,also again ur guide alwaye me,thanks

  11. Brenda Cooper

    Hi my name is Brenda Cooper and I really enjoyed your article Rondalafay. I have always had the dream about helping those in need but I’m not able to because I’m the one who is in need. I am trying to get on the right path and get to where I can help others. It seems like I take one or two steps forward and get knocked back ten. I am a gifted or enlightened adult who is learning how to use my psychic abilities. The first time I spoke to a psychic, my psychic abilities was the first thing she picked up on. She remarked that I was very psychic and strong with this gift. I loved the article that you wrote because I feel that is true what you said in the article.

  12. andree

    This is a beautiful way to give, I am always dreaming and saying affirmations that one day I will be to do that. Now I am in a situation that doesn’t permit me to do, but one day I hope I will. It always feels better to give than to receive in my books. Keep the good work. Whatever you send to the universe it always comes back one hundred times. There should be more people like you in the world then nobody would suffer from lack of the basics necessities. The universe has an abundance of everything we need we only need to ask. It’s angels like you that do the universe good work.

  13. Psychic Maryanne Ext. 9146

    Thanks for a great article. I particularly appreciate the points you made about not having to clear our minds to find a quiet place to meditate. I believe we all have the ability to take ourselves away in our own minds.
    Your section on doing good works is fabulous. I have always believed in doing good works wherever and whenever one can. It is circular, certainly.
    Ext. 9146

  14. Chloe ext. 9421

    This is just beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! Trust yourself, trust love and trust in your own goodness. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Happy readings everyone! ~Chloe ext. 9421


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