Happy Birthday Ethan Hawke! The Academy Award nominated actor/writer/director (and original heartthrob of Generation X) turns 39 today. While Scorpio-as-sex-symbol is far from surprising, with his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the smoldering sign of the stinger (and half of his planets in Water Signs), Hawke’s planetary potion is a particularly potent (and highly emotional) blend. No wonder he’s sent so many hearts (including those of ex-wife Uma Thurman and their former nanny — his current wife!) aflutter. After all, who can resist the passion, creativity, intellect and intensity highlighted in his natal chart? This is one complicated (read: mysterious) man! And while balance may not be his forte (all or nothing could be his motto), it is Hawke’s desire for transformation and justice (courtesy of an eccentric Aquarius Moon coupled with Uranus and Mars in Libra) that informs his mercurial nature. Translation? While enigmatic in the extreme, this artist’s darker tendencies pale in comparison to his desire to make a difference.