Use Your Reading to Change Your Life

Do you find yourself asking the same questions over and over again? Do you know that what you’re being told is good advice, yet you cannot apply it in your day-to-day actions?

Here are some tools to help you to use the information your psychic gives to you to change your life.

It’s important for you to be clear on why you need to change, what that change will bring into your life, or what benefit will come to you with that change of behavior or thought process. Be clear that you do desire to change, and that the advice that is given to you, the change that is being suggested, is what you would like to see happen in your world. If it is your will to change, you CAN!

1. Prepare for your reading beforehand; write down the questions you have about your situation. Leave space under each one for you to write down key words or phrases that your psychic tells you during your reading.

2. Have a separate piece of paper there, and write on it, “ACTIONS.”

3. During the reading, when you hear something or think of something that you can do to improve either how you deal with the situation, or improve the quality of your life overall, write that down on the actions page.

4. Ask questions that have to do with YOUR life, and how to improve it.

5. After the reading, write up your notes (the sooner you do this, the more clearly you will be able to remember what was said).

6. As always, use what feels right to you. Do not take any action that goes against your own solid belief system.

7. Break down each item by thinking about which of your own behaviors or actions that advice would affect.

8. Now make a “To Do” list including each action or change in your behavior, and actually set up a timetable of when to start that change.

9. Make a commitment, write it down, and put in your purse or wallet, on your bathroom mirror, next to your bed. Remind yourself of your commitment to change.

10. Have a plan of how to quickly correct your path. Should you start in the wrong or old habit, know how to stop and get back on track. The more energy you put into catching yourself in your old habit, and moving into the new behavior, the sooner you will manifest a new life, leaving the old pain behind!

If you are consistent, and actively “catch” yourself and re-channel your behavior, change will happen. This works if YOU work at it!

What’s ahead for your love life? Try a psychic reading. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

2 thoughts on “Use Your Reading to Change Your Life

  1. Pingback: Create Your Universe – Any Way You Want It | Carmen's Psychic Donut

  2. velvetoversteel

    So many times we forget what was said or just need the reminders that we need to change our actions or behaviors in order to change our life and outcomes. This Great advice that really works.

    Thank you, Yemaya! Everyone can benefit from this article!!

    Blessings & Hugs,
    Coreen @ VOS


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