Success Story: Cheating, Fears and the Truth

Are You Ready for the Truth?

My clients vary in their needs and expectations of themselves and their lives. I am their guide so that they can find clarity in their personal situations. Having guided my clients to their best and highest good has allowed me to strengthen their confidence and guide each to a place that they are working toward, especially self-development, career changes or personal awareness of their authentic and spiritual selves.

Here’s an example: I have a client that deals with a lover who she believes is cheating and has been told by other readers that indeed he was unfaithful and lying to her. I, on the other hand, did not see that he had been cheating or lying but was capable of doing so, and her “fears” were so pronounced that I could see where another reader interpreted this as happening! I got past her fears and doubts to see the real path he was pursuing. He constantly told her he wasn’t lying to her or cheating, but I noticed that he was getting tired of telling her this and was beginning to feel “Why not? She thinks I am anyway no matter what I say!” But indeed, he had not cheated on her YET! Together she and I worked on her “inner acceptance” and her needs. As the years have gone by, she has begun to realize he was loyal to her and she was accepting the “cheating” and “lying” as the real life, rather than the feared life she was living.

If a client becomes validated in their fear of being betrayed, they accept that as the truth and then embrace anger and disappointment for their love life. But this isn’t necessarily a real experience; this is based on fear. My clients and her partner are much happier now and she is in a stronger position emotionally, mentally and spiritually than she ever has been. The areas of “cheating and lying” are still held as “possible” rather than “happening!” I truly believe it would have happened had she not changed her intention for their relationship to be secure rather than falling apart!

Each person has choices to make about their belief and that which is real, and as a psychic it is my responsibility to get past the strong beliefs held emotionally, giving us a chance to see more clearly the real life experiences rather than held fears that are in life experiences.

I do believe that had she not taken responsibility for her emotions and mental activity, they would have broken up. He was getting terribly defensive about her accusations, and out of spite could have had an affair, as women did find him appealing, and he was a flirt in many ways. She knew that going into the relationship, hence he was not changing his personality, just being who he is! We successfully removed her block of distrust and replaced it with self-acceptance!

We continue to review the situation, and they are continuing to develop their partnership and love without fear or distrust.

Why Read With Me

I strive to provide real-life solutions and answers to assist my clients in making wise choices for themselves. I believe a client and psychic are to be in harmony together during their reading rather than the psychic be the only voice they hear, as telling a person how to live their life requires the person to trust and be responsible for their choices. As a psychic I am able to review the past, present and future because we work together rather than me just being their psychic who tells them how to make their life choices.

We’re here during this life to learn how to make better choices, and as a psychic my goal is to see that this happens for my clients as they lead their daily life. My goal as a psychic is to bring clarity to my clients. Also, working with California Psychics, I know my clients have the best support of not only the psychic, but the service as well.

6 thoughts on “Success Story: Cheating, Fears and the Truth

  1. gsdmom

    Good for you TeriLynn! Thank you for writing this article.

    I have also experienced readings where I was told about my doubts as being the truth. I know myself well enough to know what my fears and doubts are. I call to get clarity about the situation, not to be told how I feel about it. I have found some wonderful readers on this site who can give me that clarity.

    If client’s get a reading that feels like they are picking up your doubts or fears, instead of what is going on behind the scenes, please ask Customer Service for a recommendation of a reader, or read the testimonials for other psychics. There are a number of experienced readers who can help you. I would also suggest that you tell your reader what your doubts or fears are regarding your situation up front and ask them to tell you what is really going on.

    Clarity makes all the difference in deciding how you wish to proceed.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500

    Excellent article, TeriLynn

    You are correct in that an experienced, seasoned psychic knows to ALWAYS look beyond the client’s fears, in an un-biased objective way, to see what is REALLY happening.

    Very informative article for the clients.


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