Cool Colored Gemstone Harmonies

Last week we took a look at what the attributes and benefits are of warm colored gemstones. Each material of gemstone, color, and placement has very specific benefits that one can utilize for spiritual, mental and physical health. I have been doing an insightful series on gemstones including their benefits, how to style them, and alternative ways to incorporate them into your life. To wrap up the color aspect, today we look at cool colored stones and how you can start coordinating them to their maximum potential!

Green inspires balance and soothing emotional energies. Great aids for emotional confusion, anxiety or hyperactivity are Malachite and Chrysocolla. Bloodstone, the intensely dark green stone with red or orange oxide marks is great for relaxation and soothing stress reactions.

Purple is the highest color on the vibration scale. Amethyst comes first and foremost to mind as a great gemstone to open up receptivity and introspection. Those who are overly sensitive should consider wearing their purple stones with a mix of grounding dark blues or greens for adequate balance.

Blue is the color of intellect and mind. For mental control and intellectual astuteness, try Lapis Lazuli. Sapphires are great for promoting self-assertiveness, while blue Sodalite or blue Sardonyx can aid in intellectual skills, and are great when used when speaking in public.

Brown denotes earthy security. For feelings of stability, use brown Agates, Jaspers, or Wood. For self-protection and further security, carry or wear brown-banded agates. They are also beneficial in preventing fear or stress and are great stabilizers for emotion.

Black has an extremely protective color vibration. For support and protection wear Jet, Onyx or Obsidian. Combine black gemstones with others especially Pearl, Moonstones or Diamonds for protection for overly sensitive persons. Black stones react well with other multicolored stones such as Moonstones and guard you from those who invade personal space.

Our next segment in our gemstone series will be an intriguing question – If you were a gemstone, which one would you be? This is to match you personality traits with the gemstone/s that will suit you best.

7 thoughts on “Cool Colored Gemstone Harmonies

  1. Ariel

    Hi Miss Krystal,

    Thanks so much for your kind comments.

    Did you know that Blue Zircon is not only a beautiful stone, but an all-around healer. This truly magnificent gemstone had the ability to absorb energy and also to express energy, promoting both emotional and physical balance. So when you’re feeling particularly emotionally upset, put on your Blue Zircon. It will be a protectorer, balancer, and stabilizer.

    Much luv & lite~!

  2. Ariel


    Yes~! Gemstones definitely love being in the moonlight. It is a great idea to purify and cleanse your gemstones by first washing under cool water, holding with the left hand while putting specific intentions into them. Then leave them on a windowsill or directly outside in a protected place, overnight under a full or new moon.

    Much luf & lite~!

  3. Ariel

    Hi Gina Rose,

    Nice to hear from you, Sweetheart~! I think you’ll be very pleased with the next installment of gemstones~!

    Much luv & lite,

  4. Jacqueline x9472

    Hi Ariel,

    Thanks so much for sharing you knowledge of gemstones, Gina Rose you always have such great input and wisdom to share with us….Thank You! Your Hirkemer diamond is going to show up you will find one for a great price, in the most unexpected place.

    Since last fall I have been getting my home fung shui friendly…. I have placed the the significant meaning stone in the correct fung shui placement and “WOW” what a difference the flow of energy is so powerful, you can feel it, the stones have just enhanced the energy flow in my home.

    Oh yeah don’t forget a new moon is coming, stones love to go outside and be fed by the energy boost at that time.

    Thank you again Ariel,
    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  5. misskrystal

    Ariel-Does Blue Zircon fit in this category? Can’t find the meaning of it. I certainly appreciate and enjoy these gem/stone articles. I always look forward to them. As Gina Rose, said, “Keep them coming,”-I feel the same way. Thank you so very much.
    Miss Krystal

  6. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Your next article….what would I be if I were a gemstone ? I can’t wait to read it !!!!!

    Tough question for a rock hound like myself…..I have to think about it because there are SO many …….hmmmmmm…….but I think I would be either a black diamond, alexandrite, marcasite, hematite, or a moonstone. I need to think about that one…..can’t wait to read your next article.!!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  7. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Ariel,
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these gemstone articles…….keep them coming.

    When I read the part for black stones….I own some very small loose black diamonds, and some marcasite stones & some moonstones……I bet that would make a great threesome combo if I have them set in a necklace. And pretty too.

    By the way, I almost purchased a real naturally faceted Hirkemer diamond pendant on a neck chain…..but it was poor quality with some spotting in it….but I thought of you when I saw it as you had mentioned owning one.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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