Your Departed Loved Ones Are Your Guardian Angels

Your Guardian Angels Love You!

How many of us can see or feel the presence of guardian angels? In this dynamic world, we have a fast-forward lifestyle and as a result, most of us are insensitive to the angels working around us. But they are there, and we often don’t feel or notice them until someone we love passes away. Just because someone has left their physical body, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t still around us. Death is physical, but the spirit and soul are eternal. You may have experienced the physical loss of someone, but what you’ve gained is a guardian angel!

As a psychic I have witnessed, firsthand, the emotional messages angels convey to their loved ones. During one reading, a woman’s deceased husband came through. They were married for 34 years before he died in an accident. After he died, his wife would not date other men. But when her husband came through, he named a specific man for her to have a romantic relationship with—their accountant. They eventually got married! This woman’s deceased husband, now her guardian angel, wanted her to move on and find love again. And she did, with his help and approval.

I can introduce you to your guardian angels. Call me for a reading today!

In another reading, a father who had passed on reached out to his daughter. As a child, he abused her, but she still took care of him later in his life until he died. When his spirit came through, he cried, begged for her forgiveness, apologized and confessed all that he had done to his daughter. The daughter had a black dog whose eyes would fill with tears every Saturday night. This continued until the daughter forgave her father. We established that the father was using the dog as a medium. This is a common practice among departed spirits.

Full of Love

As you can see, guardian angels are full of love. It doesn’t matter how they treated a loved one while in their physical body. When they pass, they can be repentant and loving. They can express remorse and suffering for what they did while they were alive. They can ask for forgiveness. You might be surprised how death changes a soul for the better.

All of us have a protective spirit around us. They watch over us, guides us, forgives us for our mistakes and mildly scold us so we improve with time. Love and care are our most powerful weapons as we pursue our version of happiness. When someone passes away, their soul and spirit become even more powerful than they were when they were encased in a human body. That’s why they have the ability to care for and protect us. Love surpasses all boundaries and it’s the most powerful gift that exists in this universe.

You don’t need the physical presence of someone for them to love you. There is life after death and our loved ones will keep visiting us in one form or another as our guardian angels. The key is to be patient, sensitive and observant. The indications are there, no matter how minor they seem.

74 thoughts on “Your Departed Loved Ones Are Your Guardian Angels

  1. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Cindy,

    I thank you from my core of my heart for your appreciation, you are a very evolved soul.

    First three months of 2015 has some good news in store for you, that is what your guardian angels are conveying.

    Love and regards



  2. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Pete,

    I wish you best wishes, unfortunately I am not in a position to answer your question at the moment.

    Love and regards



  3. Tina

    My brother recently passed after battling pancreatic cancer for 16 months. We were extremely close and I feel like a part of me will be gone forever. I have two other brothers that I love dearly, but he and I had a special bond. I spent a lot of time with him, talking to him and taking care of things for him especially while he was sick. I feel as though he is or will be my guardian angel. I don’t know if there is a time frame when those who have crossed over can send signs or appear to you in dreams, or communicate at all. It is very recent that he passed. I have small mementos that would mean nothing to anyone, but they mean everything to me. I miss him terribly. Will talking to him help this process of communication and how will I know for sure if he is my guardian angel.

    1. N Mateus

      My own personal experience from losing both my mother and my partner is that yes, they are most definitely still around and communicate with me everyday. This began almost immediately after they passed away and speaking to them outloud definitely helps and encourages them to show me that they’re there.

  4. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Rose,

    I am very sorry to hear about loosing your fiance Chad!!.

    Rose, the spirits of Chad are very much around you and he will definitely make you feel blessed some where around ” thanks giving”.

    The spirits guide tell me one thing very loud and clear, in your next life both of you are going to be born in some where mid west and would meet each other around when your age would be 23 years.

    Please do not make yourself emotionally suffer, you did your best in the time spent with him.

    With love and lights.


  5. rose stevenson

    I believe in gaurdian angels my fiance chad passed away 7months ago ive been a mess for that long but i believe he is near and with me everyday i pray everyday and night that chad will Guide me and pray he watches over me as well

  6. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Asha,

    You have a very spiritually enlightened soul.

    It seems in your past life you had done sustained practice of meditation,penance and helped man kind through your service.

    In this life, at times you may feel moments of emotional blind spots, but with passage of time your spirits will get activated and you will feel the connection much strongly.

    The year 2014 is your year of change, with both of your hands be ready to embrace the change.

    Love and Light


  7. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Dianne,

    Thanks for your interest in the write-up.

    The departed souls of your brother and mother are sending light and blessings for your emotional space, and relocation/purchase of a wonderful house for yourself.

    If time permits offer candles to both of the departed souls, they are very much around you.



  8. Dianne

    Mr. Rogers,

    I am comforted by the confirmation that our deceased loved ones are watching over us. Is my mother or brother watching over me?

  9. Psychic Rogers

    Dear AnnM,

    Thank you for your appreciation.

    You and Grandfather have been together for last 14 lives, in his last life you were the care giver and till his last day in his past life!!.

    As per Indian mythology, life is a record of Karmic transactions, and your grand fathers departed soul duly came up to the spot to protect you, to balance the transaction from past life.

    Offer him light and flower’s as and when possible as a token of gratitude.

    Love and light.

    Psychic Rogers


  10. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Luz,

    First of all thanks for your appreciation for the article.

    Your father and brother are definitely your spirit guides, and both of them protecting your emotional nodes.

    Your pet dog, feels their energy and visible presence especially after sun set, and through its gesture makes you aware to remind you that you are not alone.

    Before, your father left his mortal self it seems he had a pending transactions with you, all he is trying to convey that he is coming back soon in your next life as well, be ready to embrace him.

    Love and light

    Psychic Rogers


  11. Luz

    Reading this blog has really touched home with me. Growing up thru the years so many things have happen to me. Loosing my father and brother were themost painful moments in my life. But yet I stille. Feel them around me at t times I feel my dog is one of them because he has so much love to give and very protective like my brother was. Also the other night I had a dream I was talking to some one and I aked them. Where they were, and he said right here. Next thing I know I open my eyes and right next to me was a silhouette of a person. But I still don’t know who they were?!?
    Can u pleasease help me by letting me know who that was?

  12. AnnM

    I truly believe in what you are saying in this article. I firmly believe my grandfather helped me get out of the WTC on 9/11. My recently departed brother answered me the other night when I asked him to safely bring home my aging cat who had been missing over 36 hours. He is watching over his widow and playing fun games with her. She awakes each day to find her perfume bottles turned around and other little signs of his presence. Her mother sees him sitting in the chair. He sends her messages through his friend. I find this all interesting and very reassuring. I don’t feel a presence but I know they are there. Are there methods to getting more in tune with feeling their presence? A medium recently told me I have about a dozen angels.

  13. Cecilia

    Thank you Mr.Rogers. You give me hope. As an anchor in a storm-tossed sea, you have given me something to hold. Are some of my angels my deceased parents and brother?

  14. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Cecilia,

    I could feel your situation and you are standing right on the cusp of changes !!.

    All I could feel the ” Wheel of fortune”‘, is making a major turn in your favor by fall-2014.

    Just keep your fingers crossed and embrace the blessings of your garden angels.

    Love and light !!.


  15. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Landy08,

    You are very right in your observation.

    Your elder son spirits are all over you, and he is very concerned about your well being!!.

    He is shortly going to come back in your family!!!

    Be ready to embrace him with your both hands.



  16. Landyon08

    Well i certainily belive in guardian angels. my oldest son died in 2005, and he,s been near me every since.

  17. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Carolyn,

    I am so sorry to hear that you lost your pet beagle Susie.

    Both of you had connections for past 6 life time, If you happen to remember this pet was very spiritual in hear connection with you.

    Carolyn, you are most likely to connect to hear spirits very shortly as Susie was more like a daugther than a pet.

    Keep your fingers crossed and wait for some distinct message between now and Thanks Giving day!!.



  18. Carolyn Frederick

    Hi, April 28,2014 I lost my best friend, my Beagle Susie was 8 years old. She was everything to me. We were never apart. 4 days before she passed I took her to the vet cause she keep hacking like something was stuck in her throat. The vet said she had a tumor and it was blocking her air ways. 4 days later she died. I am lost, I keep looking for her, I miss her so much.

  19. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Susi,

    Your husband while he was in this world was your soul mate, after crossing over he is watching you and is very concerned about your emotional well being!!.

    You are so lucky to have him as your husband.



  20. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Maria,

    You are such a humble soul and exceptionally spiritually enriched.

    I look forward to you with more emotionally engaging conversations.



  21. Psychic Rogers


    The departed soul of your sister wants you to settle in life!!.

    The married man in questions happens to be a exceptionally good human being !!.

    Roberta, you need to do soul searching, about being with this married man??.

    All I could see your sister image is full of tears, she is praying for your happiness!!.


  22. Psychic Rogers


    First of all I sincerely appreciate your service to your mother in her last days on her bedside.

    Life, is a set of transactions, and in a way it is a kind of ” Ledger” of karma ‘s. You had performed your karma ‘s as a daughter more than 100 pct. Right know she is writing a beautiful poetry depicting her feelings as a blessed mother to have you as a daughter.

    In next life as well I see both of you will be connected.

    Blessings and light.


  23. Psychic Rogers


    I can understand your feelings of loosing your son, all I could see here is he is connecting you with all the time. I see him coming back to your family as a grand child very shortly.

    With your both hands be ready to embrace him.

    Blessings and light.


  24. Psychic Rogers


    All I can see ” Wheel of fortune”, is in your favour.

    For more details you may contact any of our gifted readers.



  25. Psychic Rogers


    You are so blessed to have love and light of from both these daparted souls.

    As I read your message, I could feel some definite vibes from your grand mother.

    Blessings and Light


  26. Psychic Rogers


    Life is a chequred square, there are some moments we have a situation called ” Emotional Blind-spot”, where in we see a situation or experince a moment but are unable to comprehend on a real time basis. Our “Garden angles”, helps us to give insight and make suitable choice.

  27. Psychic Rogers

    Pam, Thanks for your valuable insight,- when we talk of ” Garden angles”, we just do not confine overselves with the dictionary meaning. It is more of a searchlight-which helps us to navigate in this jungle of life!!. Having said that- Pam I would congratulate you being spiritually very enriched.

    Love and light.


  28. Psychic Rogers

    I believe that your brother and grandmother are your saviors and you do have other picture in the background to support your actions and emotions and it is a blessing.

    Gigilove :

    fathers are the biggest protect shield in their daughter’s life. The
    relationship of every daughter and her father is eternal and protective in nature. The only thing is that he has become intangible but he’s looking after you.

    Loretta :

    You seem to be having a set of ideal gods who are your parents, they look after you, love you, forgive you for the mistakes you do, guide you for the actions that you take…
    you just have to enjoy the presence and feel good about the gift you have received.

    Melania Nistor :

    Usually the angels pick the medium that is closest to you in a live and tangible form,
    Kids are the most honest and pure creatures and so your husband shows his affection through her and it is a very feel-good and significant phenomena that you and your daughter are having.

  29. tiffany

    I believe that ny guardian angels are my brother and my grandmother. I also feel like I am under the protection of others as well. Any words of validation or suggestions?

  30. Abbey

    Please let me know what is the situation is when it comes to my love life . & I’m staring a job out in Suffolk county in a repair shop how do u think that will work for mew


    I love this so much. My father passes away and its been 11 years and I still feel like his with me always. I love him so much and it makes me so happy to know that he is my guardian angel. thank you.

  32. Loretta

    I truly believe what is written here. I talk to my parents when I am feeling very low and I always feel better by the next day or maybe even in a few hours. I know they are watching over me and have been for years.

  33. gayle

    How interesting. I have always believed but hoped my son would visit me. He has been gone for five years. I yalk to my guardian angel but so wish I would communicate with my loved ones.

  34. Linda

    I was always with my mama when she was in the hospital. Mama passed four years ago and as always I sat beside her hospital bed but did know she had become unresponsive during the night and the next morning I saw Mama take her last breath and she was gone and I was so broken-hearted I cried every day for over two years. It’s been four years but still feels like it was yesterday and I miss my mama’s voice and knowing she is alive and here. I feel so much guilt that I believed the doctors and allowed Mama to go in a nursing home and though I did everything I could to make sure Mama was comfortable and fought to make sure she was treated right and taken care of I will never forgive myself for it. I picked out Mama’s clothes and wrote her a long letter thanking her for being my mother and put it in her hands and somehow when looked at Mama she looked younger and changed. I know we are changed after we pass away and I pray my Mama remembers me and knows I love her for eternity.

  35. Roberta

    just want to know about a dream I had about my sister who passed on in August 2006, I had a dream about 2 weeks ago, and I was with a married man, who was in town prior to the dream, I wanted to know if I should get involved with him and in the dream her words were” Lets get this thing on the go!” I am wondering what that message meant,
    I just need to know. Please give me an honest answer on this VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. Thank You.

  36. Melania Nistor

    Wonderful article !
    impressed me,until to tears…
    My husband died about 16 years ago, and indeed, I feel the presence sometimes.
    Instead our daughter often dreams that he comes to visit us, and gives us the right informatioand where we failed, and always he was right.
    I’m sorry that he did not send us (through our daughter’s dream) which is the right path in the future ?
    Probably not allowed ? Our daughter has even seen the silhouette night (2 times), but we never scared, on the contrary, we really enjoyed !!!
    Thank you for this superb article !
    I am sorry for my English…..
    Melania N.- Romania

  37. Maria

    Thank’s your message is great you are a very special person. Receive my
    unconditional love. Maria/Latino women

  38. Susi Swenson

    Thank you – This was very uplifting on the exact date my husband had passed away 4 years ago
    I do pray every night for Roy to guide me – my Guardian Angel.

  39. Pam

    This article contradicts all I thought about Guardian Angels – I thought that Guardian Angels were never of this earth – hence the word, Angel. In the blog, Tarot, Oracle and Angels it explains the difference between Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, and what I read here has me really confused! Help!


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