Elizabeth Edwards Passes

Elizabeth Edwards, the (estranged) wife of politician John Edwards, passed away today after a protracted battle with breast cancer. She was 61. Also an attorney and an author, she was a committed activist for health care and against cancer. Her last post on her Facebook revealed her outlook, and character, in the face of death: “”The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that. And, yes, there are certainly times when we aren’t able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It’s called being human.” The Guardian reports:

Elizabeth Edwards, wife of disgraced Democratic politician John Edwards, has died after a public battle with cancer that had won her a legion of admirers. She was surrounded by her family, including her estranged former husband, at her home in North Carolina. She was 61.

For many political wives, the reality of life in the public eye is a far cry from the glamorous image of parties, receptions and access to power. But few can have as had as tough a time as Elizabeth Edwards.

During her husband’s runs for the Democratic nomination to stand for president in 2004 and 2008, she proved herself a powerful campaigner for her slick, handsome ex-lawyer spouse. Though later accounts would reveal a fierce temper that could aggravate top aides, she became a popular figure with the general public and the media, especially after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, a day after her husband, the running mate to Democratic nominee John Kerry, was defeated by George W Bush and Dick Cheney.

She is survived by her husband, two daughters and son. Our condolences go out to the Edwards family.

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4 thoughts on “Elizabeth Edwards Passes

  1. misskrystal

    What an amazing lady. Her life started out almost perfect-and then, she had to deal with tragedies and a difficult last phase of her life. Her love for her children, our country, including the inspiration she gave to many people, as she kept her dignity and grace because she was determined to always try and do the right thing. I feel a lot of us learned a lot from this special lady.

    I was sad last night when I heard the news, but I detached and channeled and saw a beautiful son, on the other side, greeting his mother, standing by a christmas tree– a reunion that makes up for all the hardship as she is now having a Christmas in Heaven. She will make sure her children, who have survived, get everything they need, and, will protect them just the way she did when she was here. A wonderful mother, true American and, a woman who believed in equal rights. She was a very fair person. She showed us many things, but also, that we can still love God and also embrace the spirit of liberty.

    God bless your soul, sweet lady full of grace, with your spirit of truth and peace-thank you for being a wonderful role model, and teaching us that no matter what happens, good or bad, we need to remain strong in order to be true to ourselves. Thanks again, Elizabeth, for being you. A real American Angel that you will always be to me. Miss Krystal

  2. maryannex9146maryannex9146

    It would be difficult to fail to recognize and admire the phenomonal strength illustrated by Mrs. Edwards during her lifetime. The loss of a child, a serious illness, and the ability to stand by and campaign for a husband whose actions had publicly humiliated her. I surmise that not all of us would have that strength and conviction.

    Rest in Peace, Mrs. Edwards.

    xt. 9146

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500


    You know,….I watched it on the news, again, late last night…..so sad.

    Over the years I’ve read for many well known politicians and their spouses and even their girlfriends and mistresses. ( And I’m not judgemental in any way, because as a professional psychic, I have to remain un-biased at all times when I read. And every reading has a different set of circumstances around it….every reading is unique in it’s own way ).

    Spouses of politicians really give up a good chunk of their time and energy to support their politically inclined spouses. This story really touched me…..can you imagine (?) what this lady went thru in helping & supporting her husband on the campaign trail ,and raising young children AND fighting cancer at the same time. And after all of that….only to have humiliation and scandal thrown in her face her for all the world to see…..

    What a classy lady…..and a great devoted mother and wife she was.

    Words, at least decent words, cannot describe what I feel towards her x-hubby right now.
    But I hope that he now will finally grow up and that he ” gets it ” in this lifetime, for his sake and his childrens’ sake. And I would truly hate to have his Karma.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    And may she rest in peace…..what a strong and good wife and mother. Such a wonderful spirit.

    Too bad her husband never appreciated her while she was alive……it’s a bit late now to say ” sorry”, and of course, actually mean it.

    I normally don’t make such strong comments…..but I feel he deserves everything his Karma will bring back to him.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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