From Fired to Fabulous

Fired? Bounce Back and Recreate Yourself

Getting laid off or fired from a job can feel like a devastating blow to the senses. Whether you saw it coming or not, you’re never really prepared for the initial shock. It can feel like being on a sinking ship in the middle of a big ocean without a lifeboat. “Now what am I going to do?”

A New Lease on Life

The way to view your recent setback is to not view it as a setback at all, but as an opportunity to reinvent yourself and recreate your life.

Before you panic or feel compelled to throw yourself into something without thinking, take a breather—a week or two when you come down from shock and worry. Take a little time for yourself. In that time ask yourself, “If I could do anything I wanted to do to make a living, what would it be?”

Using Available Resources

• Check local, state and federal governments for programs they offer. If you’re on unemployment, check into the many programs offered to unemployment recipients such as free education and job training.

• Find mentors. If there’s one thing that any entrepreneur or self-starter knows it is the importance of networking. Find like-minded people who are doing what you’d like to do. Subscribe to their newsletters, read their blogs and see how they work.

• Take online courses. Many experts in their chosen fields teach classes so students can learn new skills or even obtain certifications. As part of their marketing efforts they will offer bits and pieces of their courses for free. Sign up to receive their emails. In addition to the free education you can receive, some paid courses are offered at a deep discount (and it may even be tax deductible, depending on what it is).

“Money is an energy.  Nothing more.  It does no good to put either too much importance on it, or by the same token, too little.  Give money credence and realize that for any service there is work (of some sort) out and money in. ” – Psychic Ariel ext. 9775

• Turn a hobby into a job. Do you have a hobby? Do you read Tarot cards or paint elaborate bird houses? Given the right exposure any hobby can be turned into a lucrative business.

• Create an online professional profile. Do you have a LinkedIn account? If you do, be sure to update it with all the new ventures your undertaking now that you’re unemployed. If you don’t have an account, create one. Connect with people in the field you’d like to pursue and start a blog and link it to your profile. Connect to your blog followers/subscribers and view them as potential clients. It’s like using the Law of Attraction.

Don’t give up on yourself or your dreams. Turn a problem into an opportunity and dive headlong into your highest aspirations. Anything is possible and you can absolutely bounce back and recreate yourself.

Need to find clarity in your career or financial future? Call Caralatta ext. 5871 to get a career or financial reading.

One thing is for sure, these are changing times and we all have to be willing to change with them. Take a leap of faith and see your economic downturn as an opportunity to be the person you’ve always wanted to be. It really is true that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.

So, get started today and go from fired to fabulous.

Find out where you’re going with a detailed astrology forecast from Psychic Marilyn ext. 5364.

6 thoughts on “From Fired to Fabulous

  1. LJ

    Thank you Susan C … I hope this info helps everyone but if it helps just one and made a different in their life than I’m happy. •LJ

  2. Susan

    Reading all the wonderful advice LJ, thanks for the help in so many of your articles. It really opens your mind to other opportunities. Susie C

  3. Pingback: From Fired to Fabulous | Articles, Advice and More

  4. LJ

    Thanks Glenna and Gina Rose I appreciate that. I like to write about things I’ve lived through in the hopes that maybe it will help someone else going through the same thing. Hope it helps 🙂 someone … It really does get better once you see it as a blessing. LJ

  5. Psychic Glenna 5418

    Great advice, LJ! I especially like your advice about taking some time to come down from the shock and worry.


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