Meet Your Spirit Guides: Your Inner Shaman

Tracy from Ralston, Nebraska says:

My life path is changing. I am currently an owner of a 24/7 locksmith company. I have been working 24/7 for over six years now. This has proven to be a learning experience for me, but not my true inner desire in life.

I want to help in many ways – animal rescue and communication, helping people understand their true nature in this earthly body, getting the word out about understanding our spiritual selves and how we are all connected. I am studying to help myself tap into my true abilities.

After my son graduates in 2011, I want to sell my company and move along my path, but I am still not clear what I should do next to earn income. With this change I want to move to the country where I feel I truly belong. I would have room for animals and the opportunity to study nature spirits and Mother Earth. Any suggestions?Dear Tracy,

After so many years of having let circumstances direct your life, you are truly on the verge of following your dreams!

The first thing your guides showed me was the cover of a book by the great spiritual environmentalist John Muir, a prodigious writer and outdoor adventurer who was almost single-handedly responsible for the establishment of the United States’ groundbreaking National Parks system in the early 20th century.

Reading some of the many books of John Muir’s collected works will help you get closer to the powerful path that is arising within you. I would also suggest that you watch the series Ken Burns’ The National Parks: America’s Best Idea, listen carefully to the people interviewed during this excellent and moving six-part series, and perhaps research their backgrounds on the internet. They and Muir will reveal the beginning of your path.

In addition to spirit guides who are human, and energy beings like Angels and Devas, you also have several very large animals in your energy field. While I can’t see them all clearly, Wolf and Buffalo are among them, and it is they who are calling you forward. Meditate with them to ask for their guidance and help. They assure me that even your first steps will produce adequate income for your needs.

While the path which will be most satisfying for you won’t necessarily have you working for many years in the National Parks System, or directly with wildlife, I feel that what you ultimately do will link to and be inspired by them. What you choose must include a direct or indirect way to teach spiritual truth and work with animals. After you’ve done your initial journey of exploration, you might create your own animal or wildlife rescue organization somewhere in the northern part of the US, on either coast, or work as an animal trainer and teacher of animal communication, or even as an animal psychic and healer.

Whichever you choose, you will be happy and fulfilled.

What’s ahead for your path? Try a psychic reading. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

One thought on “Meet Your Spirit Guides: Your Inner Shaman

  1. misskrystal

    Hi Verbena-Love the animal rescue idea….Sounds right on…Would be great for your client.
    I enjoyed this. Thanks. Miss Krystal


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