Is It Intuition Or Wishful Thinking?

On our recent blog post, A Mini-Reading With Greer, Kim asked a very intriguing question regarding intuition.

Kim said:

Was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of knowing how to determine Intuition from wishful thinking? I have to learn this especially regarding my love life as I have no clue how to find that love in myself… waiting for the love to come.

Thoughts everyone?

2 thoughts on “Is It Intuition Or Wishful Thinking?

  1. Pingback: How to Secure the Job You Want | California Psychics Blog

  2. Psychic Maryanne Ext. 9146

    Can’t improve on what Abigail said above-it’s perfect. Allow yourself to trust your intuition-go with your gut.
    When we daydream we often mentally plan things out to be just exactly as we picture them. When our intuition kicks in all of that “just exactly as we picture it” goes right out the window and reality becomes beautiful.
    I agree-love yourself and then go get ’em.
    Ext. 9146

  3. Abigail Ext 9570

    Wishful thinking is day dreaming, hoping and its a total mind function. Intuition is a sense of knowing, feeling there is a difference you will know its intuition by one of your senses being tapped. You know the typical butterflies in the stomach the solor plexus ares our psychic center.
    When my deceased husband would walk off the plane to come home I would get butterflies in my stomach every single time I laid eyes on him even after many years of being together. I knew when I first met my husband I would marry him.
    Now my current guy its when he hugged me it was touch and smell. My main guide is Native so I’ve gotten to where I use all my senses in tantum. That is not a thought its a sense. Remember love is not rational it just is. You know the old saying love is blind. All relationships are an extension of you. When you take care of yourself love yourself others find you worthy of loving you too. What are you waiting for? Love yourself now and before you know it there it will be right in front of you. Go Get Em 2010 is a real good start.
    Many Blessings


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