Jaclyn Smith’s Stars

Sexy, dark Scorpio doesn’t tend to elicit thoughts of angels, but in the case of Jaclyn Smith it’s a different matter. This original Charlie’s Angel may thank the scorpion for her stunning success. The Texas native has three placements in Scorpio – Sun, Mercury, and Venus. That’s a lot of sex appeal! Her Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are all in Leo, and further portend excellence as an actress – and, perhaps, her trademark dark mane in the 1970s. Smith has starred in numerous TV movies over the years in addition to her world-famous role as Kelly Garrett of Charlie’s Angels – which she starred on for five seasons alongside Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson, and Cheryl Ladd.

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2 thoughts on “Jaclyn Smith’s Stars

  1. misskrystal

    Jackie, what can I say? You are one of a kind.
    I have always enjoyed you. I used to beg my parents in the 1970’s to let me stay up after my bedtime to just see the Angels ontv…You and Farrah were my favs. 🙂 I know you miss her terribly, if you ever want to call me here at CP to connect to Farrah, it would be my pleasure…You are the best! Brains, beauty, class and a wonderful role model for women. And you look marvelous! Still!
    Happy bday,
    miss krystal

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    a bit of trivia : Jaclyn Smith was also a well known model….. high fashion photographers all agreed that
    you could ” shoot ” Jaclyns’ face from ANY angle and get a great picture. Which is rare even for the most famous of models.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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