The Dalai Lama’s Urgent Message

I was recently lucky enough to attend a public talk given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama – a simple lecture about practicing compassion and using wisdom during difficult times. Just being in his presence was amazing in and of itself. His sense of humor and joy is infectious. He opened his talk by saying that he was just a person like the rest of us, and had no power to heal. I thought that this was a funny paradox, since his message could heal the entire world – but what he was trying to say is that being enlightened is a matter of self-discipline, practice, and mindfulness.

He pointed out that he has no special powers to heal, using his own gall bladder surgery as an example. That statement made the crowd chuckle, of course. However, he did say that because his mind was at peace, he was able to heal faster and recuperate at a quicker pace, because he could control his mind to reduce stress and worry. He contributed anxiety, worry and envy to an unhealthy mind, which of course affects the body.

The Dalai Lama also spoke of issues on a global level, and how we must be aware of our state of minds to implement peace from within. If entire groups of people could adopt this rightful thinking, it could very well be the seed that could promote world peace. If everyone had inner peace, would there be a need to take over another’s country or station in life?

He spoke of world hunger, and compassion for those of us who can’t take for granted that there will be a meal every day; even those of us who are struggling in this economy.

He said that a Christian friend had once introduced him as a great Christian, which isn’t far from the truth. He embodies the charity, kindness, and goodness of any religion, in their purest forms. He did discuss how wrong-mindfulness leads to discord, even wars, amongst the power hungry within such religions.

He spoke of losing his homeland, and that though this was sad, it had led to other opportunities, chance meetings and other destinies. This is a huge way of looking at our smaller problems. Can one imagine a greater suffering than this?

His talk was largely about putting things into perspective, both globally and within ourselves.

Why worry about a problem when you can’t control the outcome – or, if you do know the outcome, why worry?

The mind is powerful and can overcome such challenges, and we as a human community all share these challenges. This goes back into the loop of compassion. Suffering is everywhere and in all lives. If we can understand this, and look outward and help others, it brings us happiness and joy.

Compassion, whether given or received, is what brings us happiness, not the externals, such as material wealth, belongings, status. Giving compassion makes us feel good. It attracts others to us. It keeps us from becoming an island, and reminds us that we are a community of people on a similar journey. If we could all embrace this fact, we would feel more harmony. And that is a nice reminder for all of us.

I feel more peaceful having just been there.

What are your thoughts on the Dalai Lama’s message of compassion?

6 thoughts on “The Dalai Lama’s Urgent Message

  1. Irish Girl

    I’d love to see more articles like this! I had a reading with Joey on Friday, then she posted this story on Saturday. I told her I was a bit confused these days about my spirituality due to extreme disappointment last year, and she recommended reading anything by the Dalai Lama. I grew up in a Christian home, have studied the Buddhist philosophy as an adult – but a very controlling husband (now ex) who seemed to be accepting of everything in the beginning, ended up being scared and making me feel guilty. I can see the truth in both of these teachings, and agree that compassion is so needed and can change the world. I’ve been around people like Ariel spoke about, so at peace with themselves because they are practicing Buddhism correctly. I’d also like to share that recently I had an opportunity to perform a random act of kindness 3 times in 1 week, and it was during the time leading up to my divorce so I was under a great deal of stress, but doing kind things for others made me remember where I came from and where I want to go.

  2. Jacqueline x9472

    What a humble man full on knowledge, I loved what Dalai Lama said about your thoughts the anxiety, worry and envy can lead to an unhealthy mind, which of course affects the body, I live by this rule, it is so important.

    Would to see more of these articles.
    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  3. Ariel

    I was once fortunate eough to witness a talk about Buddhism which took place at a church. I vividly recall several monks who had traveled miles to get to the center. They sat on the windowsills completely at ease. Occasionally you could hear their laughs like tinkling bells filter through the audutorium. It was a great example of peace, calm and serenity. Of course the Dalia Lama exudes all these qualities to the extreme~! I luv his books, and consider you very fortunate to have witnessed this teacher in person~!

    Much luv & lite~!

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi…..yes……I agree……would really like to see more of his messages, whenever possible, posted.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  5. balancedesires

    Hi Joey!

    Thanks so much for posting & sharing your experience with this magnificent human! In my current studies at massage therapy school, we are learning in class about the importance of being mindful so this hit home with me. It is wonderful to know that he himself is humble in effect not being called a healer of sorts, letting others know that physiologically speaking we have it within ourselves to heal. To look past our ill minds (anxiety, worry, etc) is troubling in itself & we sometimes need a boost from another soul to remember this & move on to heal. Balance & harmony to you! 😀

    Balanced D

  6. Coreen Trost

    I totally agree with his mesage. I’d love to hear him in person someday. My main goal of writing is to teach or show more compassion for others for that same outcome. Great post!


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