The Law of Attraction and Careers

Create Your Own Destiny—Think it, be it and be Happy

If you have your dream career, if you wake up each day and are thankful for your life and happily go to work, then you know all about living in abundance and how to attract more of it. But if you yearn to do something other than what you’re doing, if you can’t remember the last time you were excited about going to work and you constantly daydream about doing something that has true meaning in your life, then it’s time you found out how to use the Law of Attraction in careers.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The principle of the Law of Attraction is the belief that our thoughts and our intentions are the beginning of creation and manifestation. Whatever we put out into the universe, by intention—the spoken or written word—is heard by the universe and the universe brings it to us. That of course can work for us or against us, which is why having an attitude of gratitude is a big booster rocket propelling you towards reaching your career goals.

If you want to use the Law of Attraction to attract a career that brings you joy, satisfaction and, what the heck, pays you heaps of money that allows you to have a good life, than you can have it. To use the Law of Attraction in careers, you need:

• Belief in your intention

• Clarity of your vision

• Gratitude for what is already present in your life

• Positive affirmations. Tell yourself that you’re worthy and wonderful.

• Commitment to reaching your goal(s)

• Action. Taking actions that are in line with your goal or vision.

• Listen to your body. It will tell you if you’re moving towards your goal or away from it.

Know that within your spiritual core you deserve abundance. Stay away from people who say otherwise. Take real action to make your goals happen. If you’re thinking about, but not taking steps in the direction of abundance, you’ll usually end up disappointed.” – William ext. 5131

And if you really want to go full-on Law of Attraction in career, create a vision board. Get out some magazines, some glue and a pair of scissors, and every time you see something in line with your career intention, cut it out and paste it on your vision board. Perhaps you’d like an office with a window and a view or an office where you can bring your pet to work—whatever you’d like, put it on the vision board and just know that you are worthy and you can have it. You’d be amazed at what it can manifest. It won’t happen overnight; every garden of abundance starts with planting one seed at a time.  Psychic Jean ext. 5132 has the tools you need to turn your intentions into a career. Make it happen today!

Intention vs. Wishes or Dreams

Wishes come when something isn’t working in your career. “I wish I could find a different job.” “I wish I could do something else.”

Intention comes from the soul. “I need to feel fulfilled in my career—I want to help others.” It’s a drive that comes from within and causes you to take steps towards reaching that goal. That is using the Law of Attraction in careers.

Take your money woes to Psychic Julia ext. 9131. She has even more tips to solve your money problems!

3 thoughts on “The Law of Attraction and Careers

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