The Lovers and the Two of Cups

The Lovers Card is the sixth card of the Major Arcana. As most card readers realize, every deck, reader and reading are not the same, so in this discussion we’ll talk about the historical vs. other views of this card. Of course this card is primarily about lovers. On a basic deck, you find two people reaching out to one another, possibly holding hands. The feminine of the two staring at an angel/cupid as if to suggest that with love we see heaven. There’s a mountain behind them and the big bright Sun and clouds in the distance to suggest the good times and the bad. There are sometimes budding trees to suggest the anticipation of prosperity. It’s all pretty simple. In my deck, however, the angel/cupid idea has given way to three actual lovers to suggest decisions. In some decks there are many people on the card to suggest much more. So, it’s not merely about boys and girls, sex, emotion, valentines daydreams, etc. With Gemini as it’s ruling sign, it’s all about self identity. Figuring out the other parts of you. It doesn’t have to just be about relationships with lovers but how you relate to friends, siblings, a career, or even food.

Remember, in card reading it’s not just about the individual card you throw, but the others that surround it. I have had the lover card appear in career spreads to briefly show options in a timeline. I have had it appear when determining the name or type of place for someone to seek employment. For any card, what is on the card may have to be interpreted for more vivid details, which makes your reading more valuable.

The 2 of Cups a card which generally represents, marriage based in love (two people sharing their cups/feelings), sharing, seeing things eye to eye, partnerships, the ideal pairing, agreements, etc. Inverted this can mean draining relationships, separations, dissolution, etc.

In career spreads this card may appear in my spread as a great job opportunity, getting a job, starting work, mergers, etc. Of course, upside down this card could mean departure or bad career moves.

I am embarking on another of my ambitious projects. This time it’s to create my own Tarot deck and it’s going to be a very fattening one. Wish me luck!

3 thoughts on “The Lovers and the Two of Cups

  1. The Lovely Duckling

    Sounds delicious! Anything that involves butter must be good! 😉
    I also ready your article on the website ‘Tarot and Your Intuition’. It’s full of great advice for us beginners!!!
    Thanks, Nunu!!!


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