The Tower and the Death Card

A friend of mine that I “talk Tarot” to recently told me that since she’s known me she always thinks about “The Tower.” I didn’t really know how to feel about that. “I don’t mean you are a towering disco inferno, I mean that you always make me think of The Tower.” So, let’s think about The Tower.

The Tower card is the 16th card in a Major Arcana. On the card you’ll basically find a large towering structure that’s being struck by lightening, on fire, people falling, chaos and commotion in still life. When the Tower is revealed in a spread it can represent the need for release, sudden change and revelations. Inverted this card may represent realizing your path isn’t right, denial, incomplete things, early stages, losing momentum, being restricted or something that is only present in appearance.

Another card of needed or inevitable change is the Death card. The Death card is the 13th card of the deck. One of the reasons I really love my deck is my 13 card doesn’t have a name. The mere word is scary, brings macabre images and seems final. However, if you pay close attention, it’s not the last card of the deck so in theory you know it’s not the end, though it could feel like it at the time. Logically, we would conclude that the Death card would represent great loss, extreme change, exposure, transition and termination. Inverted this card may stand for stagnation or desire for change. The symbols on this card are the cloaked specter, the Sun or some glimmer of light, a rose, and sometimes lifeless bodies.

The other day I was talking about Jacqueline’s blog Contracts and Free Will with my Tarot friend and we decided we were gonna figure out our eternal names. Of course this was followed by a series of silly names and even regular names. “Your name is probably Booby or Betty…how about Pepper or Cupcake? I bet your name is Phoenix ‘cuz you are always starting over in a blaze of glory,” she said laughing. But, it got me thinking because I am always reassuring people that The Tower and Death cards should be looked at like phoenixes.

There are times, however, that cards can mean exactly what the pictures show. I have had the Death card appear in times of life loss and I have had the Tower appear when someone’s home has burned. Just remember though, that there is light coming and life still exists after Death. In the ashes of a structure another structure shall be raised.

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8 thoughts on “The Tower and the Death Card

  1. Margarett Sikes

    On April 13,2022.. I had my tarot cards read and pulled both the tower and the death cards. I snapped a screenshot because I was in shock but carried on as I always have. Sadly to say my husband passed away by gunshot on May3,2022. Our home was looted and stolen of everything that wasn’t nailed down. But like a Phoenix… STILL I RISE!! I WILL NOT BREAK! ❤️

  2. Kitty Millington

    In a career reading I got the death card reversed clarifier with the tower upright. I cant find anything on this specific combo. Also, most of the reading seems to apply to love not career for some reason.. can you help me?

  3. Pingback: Rue McClanahan Dies | California Psychics Blog

  4. Psychic Jacqueline x9472

    Jacqueline x9472 said in reply to Sunny….
    Hi Kathy,
    WOW…. Congrats on your news of the starting of your “Great New Life” I’m very excited for you!!!! 19 yrs?, no one can say you have not served your time..LOL 🙂
    You have so much to look forward to, just remember as we let the past go in gratitude, wonderful new things must show up and they always do….
    Big Hugs and Cheers!!!!
    Jacqueline x9472

  5. Sunny

    Great article Nunu
    Thank you Jacqueline, I was thinking the same thing about the Death card. In a reading after my final court date to becoming a free woman after 19 years of marriage, the Tower and Death card were in my spread. I do not remember if the Death card was inverted but if so transition, termination and extreme charge did follow shortly afterwards.
    I like the idea of the Death card not just being the end of something but a “Rebirth” in Life. I may be single, happy but poor. Starting all over in a new life would be a rebirth for me. Thanks

  6. Psychic Jacqueline x9472

    Jacqueline x9472 said….
    Once again great article Nunu, I find it so fascinating learning about the cards, I do think also that they are very accurate, well….If the person reading and pulling the cards are gifted and in touch and California Psychics have the most gifted known….
    So then having the Death card could be viewed as a good upcoming event, validating what you said it opens the door for “New” great opportunities to come in, the new job, better, healthier relationship, a time for change, and that is always a good thing.
    Then the Death is not Death but Rebirth….
    Blessings, Hugs and Hearts Nunu….
    Jacqueline x9472

  7. Miss Krystal ext. 9192

    busting up lol “disco inferno”
    I thought you were a lot younger than me, nunu? that is a 70’s song!
    You made me laugh so hard…Burn baby burn lol
    pretty good! 😉
    On a more serious note, these appear to be very intense cards….Thank you for your contribution. I hope things are better with you-As long as we are still alive, we can still enjoy a beautiful morning! As the wheels keep on turning…..
    It’s all about attitude…..
    Miss Krystal


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