Why Timelines Are Difficult to Predict

There are many different methods used in psychic readings to discover timelines, yet challenges exist for all of these systems based on how the question is asked, the concept of time, and changes in the free will and life choices of those involved.

Clarity in the question given could affect the date or calendar layout as we see it. If you say “When will we be together?” what exactly does that entail? Be specific. You’ll want to phrase the question as “When will we be an exclusive couple?” or “When will he ask me to marry him?” If the question is vague, the psychic may be giving a different date than the event you really want to know about.

Time itself is an issue. We human beings are obsessed with when things will happen, and also with our own personal gratification, “When” do we get what we want? However, the universe does not seem to be as attached to when things happen, only if or why they do. For this, we must stop and look at our question of timing, and see if what is important to us actually is when, or whether the question should really be one of “Will we find love together in this lifetime?” or “Should I trust that I will be loved back?”

Underneath the issue of timing is free will. We can predict the timeline based on everyone’s will at that time, however, if their will is influenced or affected by someone or something outside the normal process as we see it unfolding, if it’s not a “scheduled event” meant to happen in the moment that we are looking for, then it will not register. Consider it to be like a divine interruption, or an act of god. If someone who is fond of travel sees a movie about a plane crash, it may affect their desire to fly out of fear, and therefore affect travel plans, which would affect dates and times. People can also “choose” a different path than the one that is “intended” for them, as we have free will to do so. We can choose to “stay stuck” on an issue, or to “grow and learn.” If someone chooses by their own will to “stay stuck,” it could affect the timeline, but generally not the overall outcome. The accuracy of timelines does not diminish the sense of calm you can have knowing that it IS or ISN’T going to happen, and that’s what we’re here for—to help you make it through the right now.

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3 thoughts on “Why Timelines Are Difficult to Predict

  1. jillj

    Thanks for the article! It really helped me! I’ve had several readings about a breakup. All of the psychic’s readings were almost identical! It was uncanny!..Saying that the relationship was not over..that we will reconnect. However, all the timelines that i was told have passed. Your article gives me some peace!

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Yemaya….

    Loved the last sentence especially …..as everything in this article is true and you summed it up beautifully at the end….

    “”” The accuracy of timelines does not diminish the sense of calm you can have knowing that it IS or ISN’T going to happen, and that’s what we’re here for—to help you make it through the right now.”””

    And I agree ….. timing, generally, does NOT affect outcome.

    Well done !!!! Great article !!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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