Tips to Develop Psychic Ability

There are countless ways that you can tap into your inner psychic. Watch as Psychic Seha ext. 9668 tells us how.

6 thoughts on “Tips to Develop Psychic Ability

  1. Pingback: Tune In to Your Pet | California Psychics Blog

  2. Caroline Couch

    Dear Seha,
    I’d been looking around the internet for a while trying to find something informative just like this for myself and my daughter, and this morning just happened to click on a link in my email by “accident” and found you. This video helped give me a direction to go with, but I still have so many questions. Would you be available to answer some questions about certain gifts? My daughter and I both have certain abilities that I would like to strengthen, but how to do so is the question. Can you help?
    Many Blessings,

    Caroline and Caitlyn

  3. seha

    Dear Maryanne,
    I thank you very much for watching this video.
    I do agree with your words.
    We each have specific strengths and rather than focus on which ones we would like to have, I feel it is better to enhance those that the Universe has gifted us with.
    An example is, I go to two medicine people for specific issues. They are both very powerful however,each one has their own songs of healing.
    Thank you again Maryanne and may you continue to be blessed,

  4. Psychic Maryanne Ext. 9146

    Thanks for a lovely and comprehensive video on how to develop psychic abilities.
    I always tell my clients that we all have psychic abilities. It’s like any other muscle-the more we exercise it, the stronger it grows.
    I agree with you that learning to trust our intuition, even if we can only do that one little step at a time, is the best first step. I believe that exploring what type of expression-clairvoyance, dreams, cards, runes-work best for each person is just and only that-individual expression of the underlying skill.
    Psychic Maryanne
    Extension 9146


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