Your 8 Most Unique Questions!

You wrote Psychic Liam and Psychic Red with wonders that have crossed your mind. We’ve gathered some of the most interesting, thought-provoking and of course, funny questions that have been sent in by you! We appreciate all your questions and never want them to stop coming – enjoy reading what some of our readers are asking…

1. Oookay. I think three years of uncertainty is enough don’t you? Do he or doesn’t he? Is a certain math teacher attracted to me or not? If so, what does he want?! Will we ever develop a friendship let alone anything else? –  S.W., Hood River

2. How can I get a young boyfriend instead of an old one? It seems like the only men who look at me are older than 30. No young boys even approach me. Please help me because I really think its time for me to start dating.. –  J, Houston

3.  Is Todd Allen, Mr. Basketball, the one for me? –  B, Minnesota

4. My boyfriend of six months and I always have wonderful sex. I have noticed that he doesn’t let me touch him in an intimate way unless we are having sex. For example: On a night that he doesn’t want to have sex, I  can’t cuddle or even touch him. I feel there is an underlying factor that doesn’t benefit me. I am thinking that something stinks in Denmark! –  K, Houston

5. How can I make my landlord be more than friends with me? I want to become lovers. –  J, Virginia

6. My problem is this – I”m in love with this younger man, he is 29 and I’m 43. And he is a Virgo, and I’m a Pisces. My psychic has said that this man and I are meant to be. We are soulmates. He keeps on coming back to  me in between girlfriends. But then as soon as we are together again, he keeps leaving me for younger women. Meaning women whom are 18 to 22 years old. I’m fed up with him doing this to me, and I’m trying to be  strong… but it’s hard. Will this man ever commit to me? – S.

7. What do you consider a stalker? – W, Ohio

8. Should I sell my house and live in my car?  – J.W., Los Angeles

What are yours? Send them to us!

2 thoughts on “Your 8 Most Unique Questions!

  1. Michelle

    To J in Virginia:

    good luck with that! I have been dating my landlord for almost 5 years now, and I couldn’t be happier! Although, it took over a year of living together totally platonically first. And, I don’t know if we ever would have gotten together if we hadn’t randomly, accidentally hung out one night over drinks away from the house. In the house, he was just my landlord. But, suddenly over drinks in Malibu, I realized how hot and special he really is.

    My recommendation is to get him out of the house and into a special place where suddenly you’ll see each other for what you really are – outside of the landlord/renter relationship!

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Here’s one for you….. a very nice male client recently asked me.

    Should I buy my girlfriend a Mothers Day card ?????

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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