Your Weekly Career Forecast for September 3 – 9, 2012

This Week in Your Career

Stay on your toes during the week of September 3 through the 9th to be ready for a surprise that can work as an upset or an opportunity. If you are self-aware, you can make the most of this. Aries, Cancers, Libras and Capricorns have been learning to “expect the unexpected” over that past year, and are adapting more effectively. You Taureans, Leos, Scorpios and Aquarians have the opportunity to experience intense revelations in the early morning hours of Thursday, September 7 and Friday the 8th. These could offer the keys to your future career and personal plans.


Save that brilliant idea you had at the beginning of September so it can develop more fully over the weekend of September 8 and 9. Co-workers will be much more ready to receive it the following week. Don’t be in a rush, and it will all come to pass with even greater insights that will serve your career at the end of the month.


On Wednesday, September 5, focus your energies on research. If you are feeling uneasy about an issue at work, consider what is going on behind the scenes and communicate carefully with this in mind. You may well discover that taking these precautions will provide a much better opportunity to present a truly finished project in a way that will be well-received on Thursday, September 6. Are you wondering what is going on behind the scenes at work? Psychic Laura ext. 5184 knows!


Social networking is the key on Monday, September 3, it’s a specialty of yours that can bring just the results you want over this coming week. Stay on top of those connections for the first part of the week and you could see some terrific benefits from it on Friday the 7th or next Monday.


Don’t let insecurities at work get in your way on Wednesday, September 5. These feelings will all pass quickly and you will find that even though you’re not certain people are hearing you, you are actually communicating beautifully. Talk with some friends, if necessary, to remind yourself how great you are!


Changes at work over the weekend will be to your benefit very soon, so have no fear. Once things are settled you’ll be free to charge ahead as your usual dynamic self and inspire others. Opportunities often arise from those events that first appear to be difficulties. Having a hard time seeing beyond the difficulties? Talk with Psychic Sabrina ext. 9222.


Communications will be flowing again in your usual precise and common sense manner the week of September 3 through the 9th after a strange period of communication failures for everyone. You are really feeling like yourself again in the midst of the chaos others are experiencing. Friday, September 7 could bring management or client appreciation your way.


While partners may be nervous wrecks earlier in the week, your diplomatic skills can serve you well and bring benefits to you as early as Friday, September 7 or Monday the 10th. You have experienced whole new levels of responsibility in your life for a period of time now and deserve some coming relief.


You will have truly creative ideas about finances during the week of September 3. “Hold your cards close to your chest” and pay attention to the ideas of friends and colleagues on Thursday, September 6 and Friday the 7th to offer you the best ideas for presenting your innovations in the near future.


Really pay attention to original ideas and creations at the beginning of September as they could bring real gains for you. Even if bosses or clients aren’t in a position to increase salaries or fees presently, benefits could appear in the form of a paid educational opportunity or a great business trip to a location that you’ve been aching to visit.


On Tuesday, September 4 you can really bring form to your thoughts about the necessary changes for your career and personal life. On Friday the 7th, work on a strong proposal for the career transformation you want. Be sure that you know that the time is right for your presentation soon.


You really want to shake things up and could definitely get others’ attention at the beginning of the month. Just take care that any managers or clients are ready to hear what you have to say first. You should wait until Friday the 7th to better share your innovations, and present them without unnerving others.


The week of September 3 is a great time to either make a proposal for having your employer support your future education or to quietly practice personal spirituality to support your everyday work environment. If travel is possible, this week would be a good one to enjoy a change of pace.

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One thought on “Your Weekly Career Forecast for September 3 – 9, 2012

  1. theresa

    yes i would like 2 know if im going to leave arbuckle ca to make sure i purse my acting skills or singing please tell me and what mo and what day that i will be seen changes in my life an dmoney or love and see my kids this year


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