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Discover your Zodiac Compatibility with other signs:
Your Sign
AriesMar 21 • Apr 19
TaurusApr 20 • May 20
GeminiMay 21 • Jun 21
CancerJun 22 • Jul 22
LeoJul 23 • Aug 22
VirgoAug 23 • Sep 22
LibraSep 23 • Oct 22
ScorpioOct 23 • Nov 21
SagittariusNov 22 • Dec 21
CapricornDec 22 • Jan 19
AquariusJan 20 • Feb 18
PiscesFeb 19 • Mar 20
AriesMar 21 • Apr 19
TaurusApr 20 • May 20
GeminiMay 21 • Jun 21
CancerJun 22 • Jul 22
LeoJul 23 • Aug 22
VirgoAug 23 • Sep 22
LibraSep 23 • Oct 22
ScorpioOct 23 • Nov 21
SagittariusNov 22 • Dec 21
CapricornDec 22 • Jan 19
AquariusJan 20 • Feb 18
PiscesFeb 19 • Mar 20
Dating a Gemini Man
Gemini Man Traits
The Gemini man is ruled by Mercury, so it’s no surprise that he’s a fast-moving social butterfly. To an outside observer, the Gemini man could seem quite flighty, but the truth is, he has an insatiable mind that he’s constantly filling with new information, hobbies, and acquaintances. The world is one big adventure to the Gemini man, and he wants to know everything about it, as well as share what he’s learned with others; as long as he can be the center of attention while he does it, of course. The Gemini man loves the spotlight, and he wants to be engaging with everyone he meets, so he’ll probably be one of the best conversationalists you’ll ever meet.
How to Attract a Gemini Man
The Gemini man really enjoys being around people, so the more social you are, the easier it will be to get his attention. If you want to keep it though, be ready to think on your feet, come with a variety of things to talk about, and don’t be afraid to flirt. The Gemini man is nimble-minded and flirtatious, and he’ll be intrigued when you show that you’re his equal in flexibility of mind and interest. He’s also extremely adventurous, and if you can keep up with him, his enthusiasm for you will only grow.
How to Date a Gemini Man
Once you’ve started dating a Gemini man, don’t think that you can allow yourself to slack off in the intellect or conversation department. Consider planning dates to cultural venues and events in your town, such as concerts, museums, and art galleries. Always allow for extra time to enjoy a conversation over a meal or your favorite beverage. He’ll want to discuss what is happening in the world, and both your lives, on a regular basis.
How to Communicate With a Gemini Man
The Gemini man is often a master wordsmith and will generally choose his words carefully whether communicating verbally or in writing. He is quick to notice evasions, flattery, and insincerity, so it is best to speak with him in an honest, clear, and direct manner. He’ll appreciate your candor.
Another thing to keep in mind is that he can sometimes be mercurial: Unpredictable in some ways and running hot and cold at times. Don’t be afraid to honestly express your feelings if you are confused about his behavior. He’ll appreciate the wakeup call as long as you are measured, calm, and reasonable while explaining why you feel the way you do.
Turn Ons of a Gemini Man
The Gemini man is on a constant quest for stimulation, and anyone who’s willing to encourage that, and even suggest new things for him to try is someone he’ll want to keep close. Don’t be afraid to spring a new discovery of your own on him either, because he will find the spontaneity extremely sexy. He loves to surprise other people, so if you start reciprocating, he’ll start to see you as that other half that all Gemini need. And if you can round out the package by matching his razor sharp wit with one of your own, and keep him laughing while the two of you verbally spar, then you’re practically golden, and you can live happily ever after with your Gemini man.
Turn Offs of a Gemini Man
Routine is not the Gemini man’s strong suit, and it may never be. He likes to flit from one thing to the next, and if you try to tie him down or keep him to a routine, one day he may go from your side with a puckish grin, and never come back. He’ll run even faster if he senses that you don’t trust him. Just as he may never settle to a routine, he may always be a little in love with new people, but this only becomes a problem if you become jealous. It might take the Gemini man a long time to give his heart away, but once he does, he’s solid, and the thought that the partner he chose doesn’t trust him to be faithful is too painful for him to risk. If he senses that you’re the jealous type, he’ll leave you for someone new as soon as he possibly can.
Gemini Man Compatibility
Are you currently matched with a Gemini man? Find out how compatible the two of you are with the California Psychics Zodiac Sign Compatibility Tool. And for more in-depth information on your personalities as a couple, your good and bad sides, and how to make it work, read your Compatibility blog on the California Psychics’ website.
If you’d like to learn about the Gemini woman, read our blog, Dating a Gemini Woman.
Have you been searching for your soulmate? Take your next steps on the road to love. A reading with a Love Psychic can help you find your best zodiac compatibility match and put you on your way towards the love of your life.
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