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Scorpio and Pisces Compatibility

Scorpio and Pisces Zodiac Compatibility | California Psychics

Sun Sign Compatibility: Scorpio and Pisces

Scorpio and Pisces are a mystical, magical, intuitive pair. When they meet for the first time, they will click in an instant magnetic connection. Sensitive Scorpio feels that Pisces understands them like no one else ever has. As for Pisces, Scorpio represents the structured and reliable relationship foundation that they need. Scorpio is the natural leader in this relationship, and that’s fine with Pisces. Pisces can step up to the plate, but they don’t feel the need to be the boss in the way that Scorpio does. And when it comes to making love, their connection transcends the barriers of physical sex and becomes an out-of-body experience. These two enjoy a heavenly connection that is physical, spiritual and emotional. When Scorpio gets into one of their moody, broody moments, their intuitive Pisces lover will be there to coax them out of it. Together, they can create a home that’s comfortable and cozy to all who enter. And since neither is quick to trust “outsiders,” only their closest family and friends will know the location of their private sanctuary.

Related: Dating A Scorpio Woman

Love by Element:  Water and Water

When Water and Water make a love match, they’ve both found a partner who intuitively understands them. Scorpio will appreciate how Pisces instinctively knows when to give them space and when to coax them back into the present moment. Home, family, and close friends mean everything to all Water signs. Home is the sanctuary these two seek to enjoy private moments and intimate gatherings that take them far from the outside world. Behind closed doors, this relationship is a blissful, emotion-filled, out-of-body experience that only two Water signs could attain. The only thing these Water signs need remember is to not bottle-up their emotions. Otherwise, they’ll be a tsunami of emotions that could rattle them both.

Related: Attracting & Dating A Pisces Woman

The Good Side of Scorpio and Pisces

When Scorpio and Pisces make a love match, it’s intriguing and exhilarating. Their relationship is intense as they’re both seeking a profound connection that matches the depths of their emotions. These two Water signs are drawn to each other instantly. This is a relationship that Scorpio finds deeply satisfying. Pisces understands Scorpio in ways that few can match, and Scorpio needs that depth of emotion and connection in love. On a spiritual side, together, these two are capable of becoming incredible artists and even energy healers. Together they’ll create a beautiful home life that’s comfortable, cozy, and inviting, but most of the time they’ll enjoy it most together, alone.

Related: Tarot Cards That Resonate With Scorpio

The Bad Side of Scorpio and Pisces

Both Scorpio and Pisces sometimes have a tendency to live double-lives, and unfortunately, they seem to bring out the sneaky side in one another. Instead of sharing their fears and truths, which is something this pair can do really well if they try, they may escape into their own little world. As long as these two are open and honest with each other, they’ll realize there’s nothing to hide, and in real relationships, there’s no room for secrets. Secrets will signal the end of this otherwise blissful union—sharing will lift them up to immeasurable heights.

Keys to a Successful Union

Scorpio and Pisces are four signs apart on the zodiac wheel.  This means that they are not only born from the same element, in this case, Water, but they also enjoy a unique best friend, at-peace kind of relationship.  A Scorpio and Pisces relationship is magnetic—they’re drawn together by their inner yearning for an intimate, soul-deep connection.

Here’s the key to success: Easy connections can make us almost too at ease.  Be relaxed, but don’t get lazy—try to keep the love fires burning. Treat any day like it’s your first date just for the fun of it.  Make the most of time together, but remember you both need your space as well.

Related: What Is It Like Dating A Male Pisces?

Matters of the heart can be challenging and leave you feeling down, so why not see if you can find love and the right match by your zodiac sign? A love psychic could show you what to look for in a potential partner, and a psychic love reading could help you untangle the mysteries of your future in love.

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3 thoughts on “Scorpio and Pisces Compatibility

  1. Kanese Y Jenkins

    I love my man but sometimes i just dont no about him cause i found a text message in his phone that really hurt me trying to get with another woman but always tell me to trust him i am hurt and he still lying about it and its in his phone but i am not suppose to say anything like i dont have fellings

  2. Kanese Y Jenkins

    Have I finally met my soulmate because It fells so perfect when I am in his arms I tell him all the time that he is my safety net and he makes me fell so special and puts me on a petal stool all the time


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