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Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility

Virgo and Aquarius Zodiac Compatibility | California Psychics

Sign Compatibility: Virgo and Aquarius  

Virgo and Aquarius are the humanitarians of the zodiac. It wouldn’t be unlikely for them to meet at a Green Peace rally or a “Save the Squirrels” fundraiser. These two superheroes in civilian clothes can share long conversations about intellectual subjects, and while they share many of the same values as well, they are also wildly different people. Virgo likes following rules and staying in lanes, and Aquarius is born to break the rules and cross those lanes. Still, we often admire in our mates the very things we are not able to do ourselves, and this is likely the case for this pair.

Perhaps the best communication between Virgo and Aquarius happens behind closed doors. Of all the rooms in the house, this is where these two strike a match. Aquarius will find Virgo to be a fascinating lover, and Aquarius brings some kinky and experimental moves that give Virgo a thrill. As for deciding to make a lasting commitment, both Virgo and Aquarius are in no rush to walk down the aisle. Perhaps, in time, this relationship will lead to marriage, as long as they give each other space and time to decide that’s what they both want.

Related: Traits Of A Virgo Man

Love by Element: Earth and Air

Aside from creating scenarios that could save the planet, these two quick-thinking humanitarian souls have plenty of lofty ideas to share. Earth and air need each other for life to exist on this planet. Astrologically speaking, these two different yet complementary signs would need continued proof to make that sort of declaration. Virgo and Aquarius both enjoy their individuality and autonomy. Moving this relationship from a casual exchange of mind and body, to a coupled-for-life situation may take some time, but it won’t take forever. Once these two are comfy in this union, and they’re convinced it will work, they’ll be willing to admit that it’s really a bit of heaven on earth.

Related: Dating An Aquarius Woman

The Good Side of Virgo and Aquarius

Virgo and Aquarius are a pair of intellectuals who enjoy stimulating and thought-provoking conversations. Together Virgo, the sign of service, and Aquarius, the humanitarian, could solve world problems if they put their heads together, or else they could undoubtedly write colorful graphic novels about similar scenarios. Like vacuums, they are both capable of taking in vast amounts of evidence and sorting them out like seasoned detectives. Speaking of scientific pursuits, this couple also enjoys real sexual chemistry. Once they are locked into intimacy and fantasy, it will be hard to pull them back into the harsh truths of the real world.

Related: Animals With A Spiritual Connection To A Virgo

The Bad Side of Virgo and Aquarius

There is, however, a bad side to this pairing—there usually is some cautionary tale. With Virgo and Aquarius, unless they have a shared interest that involves the outside world, they may turn their management processes onto each other. Virgos can be nitpicky, and Aquarians can be quirky. Virgos feel things profoundly, and Aquarians are a little more detached. This is one couple that would do best if they met much later on in life after all of the trials of young love have been tackled. If they work on a project together, it may be enough to save this relationship and just enjoy the time they get to spend alone. Otherwise, these two will probably need a marriage counselor to sort out their vast differences.

Related: Love Horoscope Revealed For Aquarius

Keys to a Successful Union

Virgo and Aquarius together form what others may call an odd couple. Like Martha Stewart and Snoop Dawg, even Virgo and Aquarius know it’s an unlikely pairing, but it seems to work. Day to day they’ll feel like they’re either soulmates or strangers.

Here’s their key to success: Get used to sharing space with someone from a different galaxy—don’t expect your partner to know your customs, language, or beliefs. Both should be comfortable within their own skin to accept a relationship with someone completely different. Don’t try to change each other. Understand you have a lot to learn from each other and let it happen naturally. Be proud of your relationship if it’s working.

Have you been searching for your soulmate? Take your next steps on the road to love. A reading with a Love Psychic can help you find your best zodiac compatibility match and put you on your way towards the love of your life.

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